FIVE THINGS FRIDAY – December 30th

Hello and welcome to the last FIVE THINGS FRIDAY of the year. I cannot believe that we are at the end of 2022, this year flew by! The year may have flown by, but thanks to you, you helped make this the most successful year for our blog COFFEE CONVERSATIONS. I am extremely grateful for your support over this year and I am already looking forward to providing you with more content and encouragement in 2023. Well, with that out of the way, it’s time for our last post for 2022. Thank you again for a wonderful year!

Earlier in the year when I first started FIVE THINGS FRIDAY, I shared some thoughts on some of the books that I had been reading. Now that the year is over,I wanted to give you a recap of my Top 5 books of 2022. Also, I am not a fast reader, so unlike some people, I cannot set a goal for reading X amount of books throughout the year. I wish I could be more like that at times, but none the less, I at least try to read a book (maybe two) once a month. Some of the problem may be that I mostly read nonfiction, so it takes me longer to process the information. I try to read fiction, but sadly, it’s harder for me to read. (I guess that means I have no imagination!) These books are in no particular order and they are outside of my daily devotion reading and Bible reading.


Written by Tom Clavin (Tombstone), the book is about Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson in the 1870’s. Clavin’s daunting research tells a great story about how Earp and Masterson came to be friends in a town that was a free-for-all of cowboys, gamblers, gunfights, prospectors and prostitution. It was the original “sin city.” The book tells the story of these two lives long before their infamous gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona. Clavin is an excellent author, to me, because he dedicates himself to find solid research and reliable sources. That is unusual for today. Most people looking for information will simply do a quick GOOGLE search and read the top 3-5 websites that they find and believe them to be “fact.” This is what makes Clavin an award winning journalist and author. He does his homework, regardless of how daunting the task may be. Dodge City is an excellent read for anyone wanting to know more about Wyatt Earp, Bartholemew “Bat” Masterson or the Wild West. Although he isn’t really talked about a lot in the book, Doc Holliday was a friend of Wyatt Earp. Doc is better known for his role at the O.K. Corral as talked about in his book TOMBSTONE. I share that because that is one of the books on my list for 2023 is “Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend” by Gary Roberts. Maybe I will be able to share with you some of the things that I find out in this book later on.


Written by Jeffrey Barnes this book is a great tool for anyone in a leadership role. The book shares how Walt Disney had a dream to build Disneyland while sitting on his favorite park bench one Saturday afternoon. Walt had a dream and stuck to it even when others around him thought it wasn’t a great idea or wouldn’t give him the financial support he needed. As you read thorough this book, you will experience Walt’s leadership and model of success. The book offers practical leadership for people of all ages and encourages you to not give up on your own dreams. The author shares his own experiences too of working for Disney for many years. He has a section at the end of each chapter entitled “The Gift Shop” where he gives you a moment to reflect on the chapter you just read. The idea is that the gift shop is the one of the last places you visit at one of the Disney Parks, so you want to take something away with you. My other takeaway from the book is how it encourages you to set goals that are attainable. Too many times I try to set goals that I don’t follow through with or never meet. I enjoy reading books on leadership and this one was enjoyable and refreshing.


This book was written by Pastor David Chadwick and he provides an inside look at the influence and success that Coach Smith had on his players, his family and pretty much everyone around him. After all, being a Carolina fan and a Dean Smith fan, this book just made sense to read. Also, as a coach myself, I am always interested in learning from the experience of other coaches! The thing I loved best about this book (and that I want to take away myself) is the respect and admiration that Coach Smith had from his players and those that worked with him. He deeply cared about his players as people first, not just as an athlete. He truly cared about each and everyone of them. He treated them the same on and off the court regardless of talent or skill. He taught his players that the team comes before the individual, positive words have power and a commitment to character is essential. That last one is highly important to me. I may only coach YMCA soccer, but I still try to instill in our players that their character is one of the most important things about them. I want others to see something different about them and the way they play. There are so many great lessons found within this book, that I highly recommend it to anyone in ministry, coaching, business or in a leadership role. (This book may have been my favorite book of 2022!)


Written by Shirl James Hoffman this book was quite possibly one of the hardest books I read in 2022. I said earlier that I do not process information fast or well and this book challenged every bit of that. At times I think I could process C.S. Lewis’ books better! Although this book isn’t an easy read, I do believe that it is well worth the time. I do not agree with everything in the book, but I like how he made me think through the culture of sports from a biblical and Christian standpoint. The thing that attracted me to this book is my love for sports and God, so obviously this was no-brainer for me to pick up. The author throughout the book unapologetically calls out the sinful nature of sports and the culture of idolatry that we as Christians have placed on it. Throughout the book, the author urges Christians to take a “hard look” at how we approach sports. Are the sports we watch and play glorifying God or self? I do agree that Christians should strive to model the character of Christ in all aspects of their life, not just in sports. This is a really well put together book and it will be a challenge to finish. However, it’s worth the challenge!


Written by Denise Kierman and Joseph D’Agnese this book is a must read for anyone who loves history, but especially U.S. history. This book shares funny and entertaining stories about the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence. I wish this book was written when I was in school! I have always loved history and this book is delightful and saddening at the same time. As you read stories of what happened to these men and their families as they decided to sign their name to a document that would help change the course of history and establish our country as the greatest country ever. The other thing I enjoyed about this book is remembering all the names of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence. We all know names like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, but there are so many more names and stories to know that will help you appreciate living in a free country. I truly appreciate the sacrifice that these men made and the decisions they faced that brought them heartbreak or even death. If you enjoy history then you will absolutely love this small book. Even for me, this was an easy and entertaining read. I have already ordered the companion book, “Signing Their Rights Away: The Fame and Misfortune of the Men Who Signed The United States Constitution.” Who knows, maybe this book will make my TOP 10 list in 2023.

Well, thanks for reading FIVE THINGS FRIDAY in 2022. I have enjoyed sharing with you my random thoughts over the course of this year. I do want to leave you with a closing challenge. I have included a BOOF OF THE YEAR bracket. On this bracket you will write down your favorite book of the month (January – December) and then simply narrow it down to your favorite book of the year in 2023. Have fun, challenge yourself to read 1-2 more books in 2023 than you did this year and be sure to keep me up to date on what you’re reading.

Thank you for reading FIVE THINGS FRIDAY this year and I pray that you have a wonderful and blessed 2023! I’ll see you next year, folks!


Hello, Friday! There is something special about waking up and realizing that it’s Friday, especially after testing week. I cannot believe that another school year has come and gone! It literally feels like yesterday when the school year started. I pray that everyone had a wonderful school year and congratulations to all the graduates! Whether high school or college, you deserve a round of applause for your accomplishment! I know that I am extremely proud of all my graduates this year! Well, in this edition of FIVE THINGS FRIDAY, I am going to need your participation and feedback. As the school year comes to an end and we are preparing for summer, I want to have some fun in this post with THIS or THAT Summer Edition questions. I look forward to hearing your responses! So, without further ado, here we go…


THIS OR THAT QUESTION 1: Sunrise or Sunset?

This is a really tough one, but I probably prefer sunset because I am not a morning person. However, there is something about a sunrise and having that morning sun hit your face. I think a sunrise is easier to photograph too, but the colors in a sunset are absolutely beautiful. But, I’m still sticking with my sunset! How about you?


I enjoy pools as long as it’s not crowded and the same is true about the beach. Not sure why I chose this question because I am more of a mountains and camping person. But I will say pool! I am sure that many of you are beach people and would probably live at the beach if you had the chance… my wife being one of those people! If she could find a way to do it, her dream job would be the beach “librarian” where she would take her little book cart up and down the beach handing out books for anyone interested. I do enjoy the beach for the simple fact that I reminds me of how amazing God’s creation is. But, I am sticking with the pool for now.

THIS OR THAT QUESTION 3: Baseball Game or Summer Concert?

Hands down I will always go with a baseball game. There is something special about being at a ballpark in summer. The sounds, smells and over all atmosphere just screams summer. However, we are going to our first summer concert this year, so I may change my answer after that experience, we will have to wait and see. (I don’t really see that happening, but I’m keeping an open mind!)

THIS OR THAT QUESTION 4: Theme Park or Water Park?

THEME PARK ALL THE WAY! Water parks scare me because there are so many people swimming and floating in the water. I would rather spend an entire day walking around a theme park than swimming with a bunch of strangers who are bumping up against you. Even though there are probably more rides that I would ride at a water park, I will still choose to be in a theme park. I like the atmosphere and the smell of popcorn and food floating through the air is unbeatable. Now, I know some of you will try to say both, because you can go to theme parks that have water parks in them… that doesn’t count. You can only choose one!

THIS OR THAT QUESTION 5: Summer Reading or Summer Movies?

This one is actually quite hard for me. Now, I would say summer reading. When I was younger I did not like to read. I would much rather go and watch the movie, because the movie was better, right? My wife has greatly influenced this side of me since we have been married. I have stated before that I am not a fast reader, but I at least enjoy reading. Also, reading is a bit more relaxing than watching movies now a days. I cannot go to the movies just to watch a movie. It really has to be something that I want to watch. However, there are two summer movies that I will be going to watch this summer, but that may be it. But, which one are you choosing? What books do you enjoy reading and do you have a “favorite” spot that you like to sit and read during the summer?

Well, that’s it for this week. Have a blessed weekend and I look forward to reading your responses. Thanks for reading and see you next Friday!


Hello, Friday! Welcome back to another FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. I pray that your week has been well and that you are ready for a weekend of rest and relaxation, especially all the moms! That’s right, this weekend is Mother’s Day, so today’s post is mostly dedicated to three very important mother’s in my life. So, without further ado, here is this weeks FIVE THINGS FRIDAY.


It is said that all good things must come to an end. I’m not sure if they really come to an end as much as we continue on with the next part of the journey. However, I am saddened to have our soccer season come to an end. This week we ended our soccer seasons, both at Grandview Middle School and the YMCA (our championship game is on Saturday.) It was so much fun to watch our lady eagles play this season and although the season ended with a loss to our rivals, it was anything but a disappointing season. They embodied what it means to be a team. They cared for each other, they looked out for each other and they supported each other. In one of the best games of the year, we lost a game in penalty kicks. Actually, it took three rounds of penalty kicks to decide the game. But after a two hour plus game, the one image that stands out to me is as soon as the opposing team scored the winning goal and began to celebrate, our team was cheering louder as they embraced our goalie with hugs. They refused to let her get down on herself and they were right there to pick her up. That is true sportsmanship at its finest. So, yes, I am a little sad to see this season end, but I look forward to next season and all that it will entail. Thanks for joining us this season and reading each week about some amazing young ladies.

Grandview Eagles prepare to play against Northview Hawks


This weekend is Mother’s Day. I am grateful to all the mother’s out there and for your dedication and sacrifice you make each and every day for your family. This poem describes perfectly just how amazing and precious a mothers love truly is. To all moms this weekend, Happy Mother’s Day!

“A Mother’s Love”

A Mother’s love is something
that no one can explain,
It is made of deep devotion
and of sacrifice and pain,
It is endless and unselfish
and enduring come what may,
For nothing can destroy it
or take that love away,
It is patient and forgiving
when all others are forsaking,
And it never fails or falters

— Helen Steiner Rice


I am so thankful for my mom and all that she does for me and our family. I am thankful that God allowed me the opportunity to be raised in a Christian home with parents who embodied what it meant to serve and be a Christ-like example to others. I am thankful that my mom taught me at an early age how to cook. In fact, the first thing I ever learned how to cook was scrambled eggs. There are still times that I enjoy calling her and asking her about certain ingredients or directions about foods I prepare for my girls. I am thankful how she taught me to love Jesus, serve Him and treat others with kindness and love. (YES, there are days that I fail at that miserably!) I love how she finds joy in always wanting to cook for her family. (One of these days I will make pintos that taste just as amazing as yours!) I love her coconut cakes and candy cane cookies, two of my all-time favorites! I love the memories that she tried to give us as children and how my sister and I have tried to pass along some of the same ideas to our own daughters. Mom, I pray that you know just how much that you are loved and adored by your son! I love you and wish you the best Mother’s Day yet.


I want to go on record by saying that I have the best mother-in-law EVER! I simply could not have asked for a better human to be my mother-in-law. I am so thankful for everything that you do for our family, the way that you put up with your crazy son-in-law (well, at least this one!) I am thankful for the love that you gave to your daughters and the example that you gave them for what a wonderful mother looks like. I see so much of your example in Jana and the way that she treats people, cares for others, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. I love the Christ-like example that you show each and everyday! I cannot say it enough, but you are truly the best mother-in-law ever! I love you and have a blessed Mother’s Day.


Jana, I absolutely adore you! I do not have enough time nor space to tell you how much I love you, how grateful I am for, and how thankful I am for you. I am so thankful that God sent you to me and I am thankful that He has allowed you to be Gracie’s mom. You do an amazing job at being her mother, her best friend and her number one fan! I know that she may not realize it right now how amazing her mom is, but there will be a day when that reality hits. It is fun to just sit back and watch you interact with her, laugh with her and at times snuggle with her (when she lets you.) I love that you are her “loud, proud, soccer mom” and how you are constantly cheering her on. (Also, the other girls like you being the “loud, proud, soccer mom too!)

Jana, I love you more than words could ever say. Thank you for saying “YES” and joining me on this amazing journey that God has blessed us to be on. I love our adventures, but more importantly, I love being on those adventures with you. Happy Mother’s Day to you, my love!

Thanks for joining me for FIVE THINGS FRIDAY and we will see you next week.


HELLO FRIDAY! Welcome back to another FIVE THINGS FRIDAY and boy, has it been a long week! It has at least been a busier week than usual, what about you, how has your week been? Also, if this is your first time reading FIVE THINGS FRIDAY, welcome! FIVE THINGS FRIDAY is a collections of the things that I am interested in, learning or just casual writings about the things from the past week. I use FIVE THINGS FRIDAY as a way to help reduce the anxiety and stress that I struggle with on a regular basis. Thanks for reading and without further ado, here we go.


This week has been a hard week to find consistent motivation. I didn’t have a problem of finding that brick wall that I couldn’t seem to recover from. Some of the lack of motivation may be caused by the runDisney crash from last weekend. I wonder if there is a thing called “runners high” where you just crash after the race. It’s the high from all the training and the race itself and then BOOM, the race has come and gone. So, what do you do when you have the post race blues? Well, you go and sign-up for another race or two… or three! That’s right, we have signed up to run a couple of more races in the coming weeks. My daughter and I are running our local YMCA 5K and then as a family, we are signed up to run a 5K in April that helps support a local camp.

Then, there is another runDisney race that I went and signed up for while my wife has been at a conference. I signed up for the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 10 Miler virtual race! That’s right, you read that…a 10 MILER!!! Yup, I’m going to die but it should be fun training for this since I have until April 3 to complete it. The next few weeks should be very exciting and challenging and I look forward to keeping you all up to date on these crazy adventures. This will by far be one of the biggest physical challenges I have faced in my life. The thought of actually scares me, but I thankful for my girls who will be there to support me, coach me and cheer me on as I strive to complete this challenge.


I am still trying to finish the podcast series, “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.” I am on episode six and although I may not agree 100% with the approach, I have come to appreciate this podcast. It’s a good reminder of how fast we can truly fall when we allow our eyes and hearts to become focused on anything or anyone other than Jesus Christ. I will never understand all that went on under Pastor Driscoll’s ministry at Mars Hill, but it is a great reminder to all us on just how much we need accountability in our lives from other godly believers. I cannot say enough of just how thankful I am for the men that God has placed in my life to help keep me accountable. Their investment in my life can and will never be repaid! I am also thankful that God has allowed me to surround myself with older and younger men. I could go on and on about this, but my point is that we need others in our lives that are willing to walk with us, to get their hands dirty at times, to clean us up and help bring us back to a right relationship with Jesus. Ministry is one of the toughest things a person could do, but it is also one of the most rewarding things. If any of you are reading this, know today that I am eternally grateful for each and everyone of you.

Who are you investing your life in today? Who are you walking with and encouraging today? We are not meant to walk this life alone, we all need community and friends that will help us grow in the person and image of Jesus Christ.


I never thought I would be one to be excited for soccer, especially a full season of it. But, this soccer season has a different “feel” to it with my daughter making her middle school soccer team. I am so excited to go and watch her play! I have been able to watch her a little bit at the end of practice when I go to pick her up and it is so much fun to just sit and watch. I can just enjoy seeing her play and not worry about going into “coach” mode. (We will leave that for her local YMCA team, the Hickory Hot Sauce.) Another reason I am excited is that another one of girls made her middle school team as well and it will be so much fun to see them play against each other for the first time ever. They have been on the same soccer team for a few years, so seeing them face off against each other is going to be fun. (I may cry a little because I am just so proud of them!) I will go ahead and warn you, there will be multiple posts about her games throughout this season. It was funny to hear her talk about her getting her uniform the other day. Since she is in sixth grade, they get last dibs on uniforms. Eighth graders go first, then seventh graders, and so on. So, the uniform she got stuck with is an adult large. She is going to look like a hot air balloon running around the soccer field with that big of a jersey on. Also, she didn’t get her “number” which is understandable when you have last dibs. She got stuck with football lineman’s number (31). However, she is excited and a little nervous to begin play next week. I know from a parent/coach position, she is going to be just fine once the nerves settle. The girl loves the game and she has a natural talent for it. I cannot wait to bring you along on this journey with her.


This Saturday marks the end of an era for Duke basketball. Coach K as he is known for, will be coaching his very last game at home and against their rival, North Carolina. This is a dream match up regardless of which team you are pulling for. Trust me, I cannot stand Duke, never have, never will. In fact, if you know me, I may pull the New York Yankees before I would ever root for THAT school. But, I am excited to watch this game because it will be one to remember. Yes, Duke will probably crush Caroline (they beat them by 20 in the first meeting), but I am actually excited for Coach K. I may not like his team, but he has been a staple there for the majority of my life. I have never known another coach other than Coach K. He has gone on to become one of the most successful coaches of all-time. It was always fun to watch his players play with so much passion, especially in the Carolina/Duke games. Those were some great battles. I may not like Duke, but I have always respected Coach K. He always got the best out of his players. They may not have been the most talented, but he has a way of taking a mediocre player and making him a Duke legend. Now, don’t get me wrong, just because this is his last game at Cameron Indoor, that doesn’t mean that I will be rooting for him. I hope he loses his last game at home and by a large margin actually. I know that want happen, but we can dream, right? I am sad that we never got to see a Carolina/Duke National Championship game between Dean Smith and Coach K. That would have been a fun game to watch… as long as Carolina won. Whatever the outcome, I wish Coach K all the best and thanks for all you did for college basketball. You were a great ambassador for the sport. Have fun in retirement, Coach.


When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.” Psalms 94:19

I am preaching this weekend and as much as I am looking forward to it, it always seems to heighten my anxiety level. I know that sounds weird, especially coming from a pastor, but anxiety is something that I have struggled with for years. It’s not something that we openly share, but I am thankful for a wife that has been there for me through thick and thin of those attacks. They’re not fun, they hurt and they completely shut down my body, but I have come to fight through them the best I can. Then on the weeks I have to preach my anxiety is through the roof, so to speak. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy having the opportunity to share God’s Word with my church, but I don’t enjoy the added anxiety it brings. What I mean by that is that in my anxiety, I struggle with insecurities and fears. In those moments, I find myself letting satan win the battle and allowing those insecurities and anxieties to fuel my thoughts for a whole week. It makes for a long days, sleepless nights, lots of stress eating, loss of energy and one extremely long week. If you are a person that deals with anxiety or depression, my heart goes out to you as I empathize with you and what you struggle with. It is amazing how powerful our anxieties and insecurities can quickly lead to a lack of motivation in our day to day life. Maybe, one day I will share a post on how to deal with anxiety and anxiety attacks. For now, one of the ways that I “deal” with those symptoms is by immersing myself into coaching my daughters local soccer team, working out and simply just trying to get away. Lastly, as much as I may struggle with those things, I know that they do not define me as a person, pastor, husband and father. I know that I am made in the image of God, and that I am His child. I’m so thankful that I have Him to run to in moments like this. God is faithful and I am so thankful that I have Him to run to in moments like this.

Well, thanks for reading and I pray that you have a blessed Friday! See ya next week.



Welcome back to another FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. Technically, it is Sunday, but the new FIVE THINGS FRIDAY is here. I do not know about you, but this week has been a little crazy and not just because we were making plans to run our 5K race this weekend. There is so much that has happened in our hearts, our lives, our country and our world just within the last seven days. Some of that I want to share with you in this weeks edition of FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. So, without further ado, here we go.

Thanks to Fellowship of Christian Athletes for the Photo.


On Tuesday morning this week, we all heard from the President of the United States and almost every major news outlet that Russia had attacked and declared war on Ukraine. I am still trying to process everything that has gone on in the last few days. I may not understand completely all that is going on and why, but I do know that I can pray for those in Ukraine who have just lost their homes, their loved ones, some loosing their sons and daughters for what seems to be nothing but prideful and senseless leadership and politics. So, will you join me and many others around the globe in taking some time to pray for Ukraine. If you’re unsure how to pray, here is a helpful guide from on 11 ways that you can pray for Ukraine right now.


While at Walt Disney World this week, we did receive news that our daughter made her middle school soccer team. We could tell that she wasn’t herself on Thursday morning as she was too nervous thinking about whether she made the team or not. Then, we received the word that she had made it and you could just see the excitement and sigh of relief come across upon hearing the news. Also, I think being at Walt Disney World, made the news even sweeter! I will say that I am not surprised that she made the team. (Maybe a little nervous, but not surprised.) I have been seeing her play since she was 5, so I know that she knows how to play the game, she just needed to trust herself. I am excited for her and the opportunity to finally watch her play from a parents perspective. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy coaching her but I don’t want to miss those moments where I can just enjoy watching her play a game that she absolutely loves. I’m sure that as the season progresses I will probably write about it a time or two!

Let’s Go, EAGLES!!!!!


This was our first time back to Walt Disney World since Christmas and the first thing I noticed was the crowds. We have been to Walt Disney World multiple times and at different times of the year and this was by far one of the largest crowds I can remember. It just seemed to have a gob of people everywhere you went. At first, I thought it was primarily because it was runDsiney Marathon Weekend, but no, it was just crowded with people that were excited to just be back at Walt Disney World. And… I cannot blame them! There is something special about being at WDW and it never goes away. I will say that this trip was a little different because we were primarily there for the runDisney Princess 5K Weekend. That was one of the best experiences I have ever done and I am so thankful to have done it with my girls! We are not “running” people, well except for Gracie, but it was a great experience as we trained for this weekend. If you are planning a WDW trip this year, be prepared for larger crowds and longer wait times than usual. Also, just like everywhere else, be prepared for a price increase on food and merchandise.


THIS WEEKEND WAS AN ABSOLUTE BLAST! I honestly cannot wait until we do this again. It was a different part of Walt Disney World that we had not yet experienced and it is now one of my favorites. Disney runners are different, in fact, they are almost like family. Yes, we entered to run a 5K race, but the people we met this weekend and the people we saw and interacted with throughout the race will last a lifetime. As for my family, we set out to run our first ever runDisney 5K and we did it! It was such a great feeling crossing that finish line together and even better when they handed us our medals. Also, it was great to see people encouraging and cheering each other on throughout the race. But, it wasn’t just in the race that they would encourage you and talk with you. If you were wore your medal or race shirt, it was so amazing how many times people would strike up a conversation with you about the race. Overall, I am proud of my wife and her hard work that she has put into training for this weekend. It wasn’t easy but the joy on her face as she crossed that finish line is one that will forever be sketched in my mind. I am already counting down the days until I sign us up for the Springtime Surprise in 2023! Disney people are fun to be around, but Disney runners make you feel like you are part of a community and that is what makes runDisney so great.



Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

This verse has been a great reminder to me over this past week as the idea of going and running a 5K with 10,000 plus people was starting to very quickly become a reality. This wasn’t the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it was harder in other ways like training and motivations my body. We all face situations in life when we feel scared or alone. However, we can take courage from what God’s Word says. We don’t have to be scared or dismayed because the Lord is with us wherever we go.

Many times we want to turn away from situations that seem scary or overwhelming. However, we can face those situations with confidence when we begin believing what this verse says. When we begin to believe that we’re not alone and that we’ve got God with us wherever we go we can face any situation. We’ve got God’s help on our side! So, take heart today that no matter what you are going through, “Be strong and courageous, because God IS with you.”

Well, that’s a wrap on this week. What are some of your FIVE THINGS from the past week? I’d love to hear about them!

Thanks for reading and have a truly blessed week. Happy Friday… I guess I should say Happy Sunday!


This week is race week for the Kaylor household! I am a little excited and a little nervous all at the same time. I am excited because we get to run our 5K at one of our favorite places, Walt Disney World. The idea of running with other Disney fanatics is enough to get the adrenaline pumping and ready for the big day. Maybe, the adrenaline will overtake my nervous and anxious thoughts!

In August of 2021, I shared in a blog post that (The Disciple’s Race) that I had signed my family up to run our Disney 5K. In that post I shared that I had concerns about trying to train for the big day. The biggest concern was my motivation to get out and exercise more frequently and to start running (which is kind of a big deal if you’re running a 5K!) Well, six months later and I think I am all but ready. I feel healthier and stronger than I have in recent memory. However, my running endurance isn’t quite where I would like for it to be at this point, but it’s a work in progress. Much like my Christian walk.

In Hebrews 12, believers are called to run the race with endurance as we look to Jesus. It is a daily race and sometimes a daily battle. In no way would I consider myself to be an expert in the art of running, but there were things that I had to do in order to get myself back into shape and ready to run. The same is true in our spiritual race. Paul shares four things that will help us train as we run this Christian race.

Are you ready to learn how to biblically run the Christian race of faith?

Let me begin by sharing a quote from Warren Wiersbe, “If Christians were putting into their spiritual walk the kind of discipline that athletes put into their chosen sport, the church would be pulsating with revival life.” That quote hit me like a punch from former boxer, Mike Tyson. It hit hard and fast! I’m not here to judge how much training you may put into your perspective sport, I simply want to share four ways to help you train as you attempt to glorify God in your Christian race every day.

Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2, NKJV

1. LAY ASIDE EVERY WEIGHT. When I’m working out or running, I am almost always going to wear clothing that is light and weightless. It may sound strange, but I am not going to wear the same type of clothing as I would if I were playing baseball. They are completely different sports and have different pieces of clothing. It would be funny to try and run a 5K in baseball cleats! The same is true in our Christian walk. There are things in our Christian walk that aren’t necessarily a sin but that will weigh us down. The Greek word for weight is whatever is prominent,  extra bulk, extra mass, a burden, and something that encumbers us. Is there something slowing you down today? Are you clinging to something that hindering your pace/walk? If so, are you willing today to shed that weight so that you can quicken your pace?

2. CAST OFF YOUR SIN. Let’s look at the motives of our hearts. Sin can be packaged in beautiful but deceptive wrappings. For example, I think the packaging for a 3 Musketeers candy bar is eye catching and of course one candy bar isn’t going to derail my training. But, if I am not careful, I may find myself enjoying several candy bars a week. That would be detrimental to my training and exercise, right? I would have to workout longer and harder to get rid of something that I keep choosing to put into my body. The same is true with our sin. Too many times we continue to hold onto those sins that derail our daily walk with Christ. For example, do you constantly find yourself lashing out in anger at those you love? Do you struggle with impatience? What about a root of bitterness that you have allowed to grow and flourish in your heart towards family members, church family, or acquaintances?  Dear friend, I challenge you today to cast it aside and lighten your load!  Don’t let satan keep you weighed down with your sin. There is freedom in Christ!

3. RUN WITH ENDURANCE. The Christian life is more of a marathon than a sprint. You wouldn’t think about running the Boston Marathon and sprinting the whole race, you wouldn’t make it to the end. Too many times we look at the lives of others and we begin to compare our walk/race to theirs. Friend, that is the worst thing you can do! God has called you to run your race with endurance and to glorify Him. It’s not a sprint, it’s not a comparison, it’s about allowing God to use you right where you are so, learning to be patient with yourself is a must. Keep trusting God, keep running, keep training, keep digging into His Word, and keep praying with endurance. God’s got you!

4. LOOK UNTO JESUS. We are not called to compare ourselves to other Christians nor anyone else. We are told to “look unto Jesus” as we run this race. He is our strength, our guide and He will supply us with everything we need to run this race well. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to me and I will draw near to you.” The more we fix our eyes on Jesus and draw near to Him, to more we will be like Him as we strive to share Him with others along this race. Take comfort that Jesus is with you every step of the way as you run this race!

I am not sure how the outcome of my 5K race will go, but I am positive of my outcome when I finish this earthly race. I know every breath I take, is a gracious gift from God and until He calls me home, I want to strive to make Him known to others in my life. I know my wife and daughter will be proud of me when I finish this race, but that pails in comparison to the day that I will hear my Lord and Savior say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”



It’s Friday, which means it is time for Five Things Friday! So, what is Five Things Friday? This is a weekly recap of the five things that have been buzzing around in my head and heart throughout the week. These things could include (but not limited to) podcasts, books, music, sports, blogs, movies, exercise and a host of other random things that still around in my mind.

My prayer and hope for five things Friday is two things. One, that this gives me an outlet to share about things I have been thinking about or just enjoy and want to share with you. Two, that some of the things I write about may encourage you in your walk with Christ. Without further ado, here are five things for this Friday, February 18th.

  1. PODCAST OF THE WEEK: The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill by Christianity Today. If you are unfamiliar with Mars Hill Church, it was founded in 1996 by Pastor Mark Driscoll. Under his leadership (good or bad) the church grew to over 15,000 people before closing its doors January 1, 2015. I was drawn to this podcast because I have enjoyed and at times benefited from Pastor Mark Driscoll’s teachings and writings. This podcast is a series of 16 episodes talking about the history, growth, joy and complications that happened within the church leadership. I may be a little biased but after listening to the first two episodes I really feel like this is a personal attack on Pastor Mark Driscoll and his over the top, aggressive leadership style. Don’t get me wrong, the man as some faults, just like I do. But Christianity Today seems to be trying to throw him “under the bus” if you will. However, it is interesting to hear from other church pastors and leaders on the inner workings of what was going on. One of those that I found interesting was Paul David Tripp and his take on what was happening. So far, after two episodes, it breaks my heart to listen to all that went on behind closed doors. I believe that leadership within the church should be transparent and up front with the congregation. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen that way all the time within the church. Overall, I am enjoying listening to this podcast even if it is a little heart breaking.

2. BOOK OF THE WEEK: Currently, I am reading Dodge City: Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and the Wickedest Town in the American West by Tom Clavin. I picked this book up because I enjoy reading mostly fiction and I have recently gotten into learning more about the American Wild West. I read Tom Clavin’s book Tombstone and it just sparked an interests in this part of American history. It is interesting that this book isn’t just a history lesson on Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson, but on the history of Kansas, mostly of Dodge City. It is also a brief history of the discovery of the West from the Spanish, French to Lewis and Clark. Clavin does a great job of not letting this book read just like another history book. He vividly paints the picture of the American Wild West for the reader. If you have watched the old westerns about Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and Gunsmoke, you will know that they were all set in Dodge City, which makes this book even better.

3. SPORTS and EXERCISE: The Super Bowl has ended and I usually get pretty excited the moment the clock ends because that means that we officially welcome the sport of baseball. Unfortunately, there isn’t too much to look forward to right now with the lockout in Major League Baseball still ongoing. I am looking for ward to spring time and soccer… yes, I just said I was looking forward to soccer. But, not just any soccer. My daughter, Gracie has been trying out for her middle school team this week and I am looking forward to going and watch her play a sport that she absolutely loves. I have been coaching her soccer teams since she was 6, so it will be nice to just go and enjoy watching her play without having to make so many decisions. I am also excited for one of the other girls on our soccer team as she tried out for her middle school team as well. It’s going to be a lot fo fun when their two schools play each other! As far as exercise, we are SIX DAYS away until our runDisney Princess Marathon and 5K. This will be our first ever runDisney and we are looking forward to being at Walt Disney World and running through Epcot next week. Next weeks post, I will update everyone on how we did! (Lord willing, I want have to be carried/carted off by the EMT’s!!!

4. PLAYLIST OF THE WEEK: As I said above, we are doing our first ever runDisney event next week. Well, you cannot train for a runDisney event and not listen o your favorite Disney songs! I created a playlist on Spotify for my family to help us train and exercise to the jams of some of our favorite Disney songs and mashups. If you enjoy the music of Disney, feel free to give it a listen on my Spotify channel here. (We don’t have to talk about Bruno on this post unless you would like!)

5. VERSE OF THE WEEK:I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 CSB

Jesus spoke these words after he had finished washing the disciples’ feet. Firstly, He made it quite clear that our loving one another was not a suggestion, but a “new commandment” to men from God. This love we are to have for one another is not optional, but a required mark of the Christian.

Secondly, this love is to be of the same quality as Christ’s. Let that sink in for a moment. Jesus implied that we would judge the quality of our love by His, “just as I have loved you”. This sentiment should be deeply rooted in every Christian then: I don’t judge my spirituality by comparing myself with others, but with Christ. When we do this there is only one possible response, repentance and humility.

Thirdly, Jesus gave the world the authority to judge our Christianity by the love we have for one another. Regarding this verse Francis Schaeffer aptly commented, “Upon His authority He gives the world the right to judge whether you and I are born-again Christians on the basis of our observable love toward all Christians. That’s pretty frightening.” This is a high calling, but it will be to the world’s good and our joy to pursue it in Christian community. What is the quality of your love toward other believers today?

Well, that’s all for now. Let me know what are some of the things you are listening to, reading, etc. in the comments.

Thanks for reading and Happy Friday!