Being a camp counselor is one of the greatest summer jobs you could ever have! Don’t believe me, let me give you five reasons why working at South Mountain Baptist Camp will change your life.


Well, we use the term “paid” loosely, because you will work hard, really hard. But, when it is something that you absolutely enjoy, is it really work? Your days are filled with laughter, fun, games, fishing, swimming, worship and being surrounded by strange people that will become your life long friends. I cannot think of a better scenario where you get paid to have fun with some of the people you care the most about.


Camp is hard, no doubt about it, but working at camp will stretch you. It will stretch you beyond your limitations, it will help you to gain an appreciation of work and how you can honor God through your work. You will learn time management and responsibility. You will learn life skills that you will use the rest of your life. You will learn how to function and operate on little sleep… okay, that may not be the best selling point! You will learn how to multi-task and do multiple jobs at once. You will find your breaking point and then learn how to push through to the end of the day or the week. Yes, camp is hard, it’s fun and it is challenging, but you will be a better person afterwards. Plus, you see first hand that it is God working in you, empowering you to do the things you will do every single day.


The friends that you make at camp are amongst the closest friends you will ever have. You are in the trenches with these people every day, every night for 10 weeks. Will they get on your nerves? Probably! But, the memories you will make and share with these people will last you the rest of your life. You will not only make memories that happened at summer camp, but you will do life with these people. You will experience weddings, funerals and the blessing of seeing each others children play together. In fact, the friends you make at camp will become more like family in the end.


One of the best things about working at a Christian camp is the opportunity to not just strengthen your beliefs, but to put them into action every day. You will learn what it means to “Trust in the LORD” every day as you spend time with Him. You will grow in “wisdom and stature”, you will grow in your knowledge of who God is as you experience Him in every moment. You will see first hand that God is with you wherever you may go as you walk around camp. You will understand that every morning His mercies are new and that He has a plan and a purpose for you as you prepare to face the day. As you draw closer to God, you cannot help but want to share Him with others and tell how He has changed your life.


This is quite possibly the best reason to work at a Christian summer camp! You have the opportunity to be a part of God’s plan and see lives changed for eternity. What a blessing it is to have a front seat to what God is doing! You will never know the impact that you had on a child whether they came to camp one summer or five summers. But you can rest assure that God used you to be a small part in that child’s life for a moment and that makes working at camp worth it.

Let me encourage you today, that it’s worth it to be exhausted for Jesus for a summer. I could share countless stories of how camp has impacted my life both spiritually and physically (maybe I will one day). If you are a teenager and you are looking for a summer job, let me encourage you to come and work at camp for a summer. It will be one of the best decisions you will ever make! If you are interested in learning more about applying at South Mountain Baptist Camp contact me at

MOTIVATION MONDAY:Who Are You Investing In?

What do you want to leave behind when your life on earth is over? That may be a weird question to ask on a Monday morning. But I thought through this question over the weekend as we attended my aunt’s funeral. Her funeral was truly a time of praise and worship to God for all that He had done in her life. She was 91 years young and it was a blessing to hear so many testimonies from people and how she impacted their lives and showed Christ to everyone she met.

As I listened to two pastors talk about her and share their stories and testimonies of how she had impacted them, I was reminded of Elijah and Elisha. Elijah invested the last part of his life into Elisha. Teaching him all that he knew. In 2 Kings 2:15 it says, “Now when the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho opposite him saw him, they said, the spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” Elijah had such a big impact on Elisha’s life that others saw Elijah in him.

As believers, we should never underestimate the power of one life invested in another. I have had people invest in my life that helped me grow and mature as a believer. Likewise, I have tried to invest in other peoples lives and help them grow in their relationship with God. We all have had someone invest in us at one point in time. My question to you today is, whom have you invested your life in?

Jesus invested in the disciples. Paul invested in Timothy. Elijah invested in Elisha. In fact, he left behind to this young man a double portion of his spirit to carry on the work God called him to. Are you investing yourself in someone today? If not, why?

Today, will you pray about who you can invest your life in and teaching them the truth of God’s Word today, so that they will in turn teach others the truths of God’s Word.