This is the last week of 2022, can you believe it? This year has simply flown by, or at least it has to me. With this being the last week of the year, this will be the last WEDNESDAY DEVOTIONAL for 2022 as well. I pray that these small, little devotionals have been encouraging to you and that they have helped strengthen your walk with Jesus Christ. As I thought about the last devotion for the year my mind kept turning towards the word ABIDE. This word has a twofold meaning today.

First, in John 15:1-12, John records the Words that Jesus spoke. In these verses Jesus uses the word Abide/Abides ten times in the ESV (English Standard Version). often, when a word is repeated it has significance or importance. Well, that is true here! Jesus tells us to abide in Him because He is the vine and we are the branches. Just like a branch cannot survive or live once it’s cut off from the tree, neither can we when we are separated from Christ. The idea of the word abide here is active. Abiding in Christ is not a feeling or a belief, it is something that we do! For the believer, to abide in Christ daily means that we must do three things:

  • Walk by faith
  • Spend time daily in The Word (Bible)
  • Be intentional in our actions to fight sin, engage with other believers and live in community

Second, Pastor R.C Sproul once said, “Disciples of Christ abide in His Word. Those who abide in His Word know the truth and are free.” When you look back on 2022, maybe there were moments, days or months where you didn’t abide in Christ. Maybe there were moments where you spent time daily in His Word, but not as often as you would have liked. Maybe there were moments where you “gave” in to sin, or you didn’t live in community with other believers as much as you would have liked. It’s okay because “we all fall short of the glory of God” according to Paul. But the good news is, that we don’t stay there!

So, let me challenge you in 2023 to ABIDE in and with Jesus each and every day. Let me challenge you to be intentional to spend time with Him daily in His Word. Get connected to a group of believers that will encourage you in your walk with Jesus Christ. One of the best ways to abide in Him daily is to find a Bible reading plan or a daily devotional. There are a lot of good resources available and I would be happy to help you with that. I have four different devotional books that I will be reading at different times this year (see picture below).

However, as much as reading a daily devotional is good, it simply will not and cannot replace reading and studying God’s Word. The late pastor Charles Spurgeon said, “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.” I concur with Spurgeon’s words. There are a lot of good books available to you now days, but not a one of them will direct/impact your life like the Bible.

Will you be diligent to ABIDE in His Word in 2023?

Will you challenge yourself to ABIDE daily in His presence and trust Him in 2023?

Links for the devotionals I am using in 2023:

New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

The New City Catechism Devotional by CROSSWAY

The Runner’s Devotional by Dana Niesluchowski and Dave Veerman

Bearded Gospel Men by Jared Brock and Aaron Alford

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