I will give to the LORD thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to name of the LORD, the Most High.” Psalm 7:17, ESV

Most of the time, we thank God for blessings already received from Him. But in our verse from Psalm 7:17 today, David shows us a different kind of thanksgiving prayer.

So, have you ever thanked God for His righteousness as Psalm 7:17 commands? Further, have you ever thanked Him for His righteousness in regards to your enemies and sin?

This is exactly what David did! He thanked God for His righteousness as he awaited his verdict regarding his prayers. David knew that he could rely on God’s righteousness, because everything God does is right and good. David resolves to praise God in the midst of false accusations, slander and injustice.

He says, “I will give to the LORD thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High.” This is because God’s righteousness includes abounding love, answers to our prayers, fulfillment of His plans for us, bringing good out of evil and victory out of death. God’s righteousness is coupled with grace and mercy.

When God saves you, He gives you His righteousness. He gifts us His righteousness through Jesus Christ. I am thankful today for God’s righteousness and I choose to praise Him for that today.

Take a moment today and read all of Psalm 7. You may also want to reflect on 2 Corinthians 5:21, “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

Have a blessed Wednesday.


“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24, ESV

Monday’s typically hard to be motivated after the weekend. However, the Monday after a long weekend and Thanksgiving seems ever harder to get going as we prepare for work both mentally and physically. But the apostle Paul gives us two verses that should completely transform our perspective on our lives and the way we work. When it comes to our vocation or school, chances are we all got up to go to work today or tomorrow.

Colossians 3:23-24 says whatever you do, whatever kind of work you are doing, work heartily, with all your heart, with Christ-like character, with honesty, with diligence, with integrity and with humility. We are to work heartily for the Lord and not for men. But the best part is at the end of verse 24, “You are serving the Lord Christ.”

May we be reminded of that today, tomorrow and through the rest of the week that when we go to work, to school, to practice that we are serving the Lord Christ. The way we work, the way we go about our school work and practice shows others that there is something different about us. In everything we do, we should seek to honor and please God by the way we work. Will you this week work heartily as for the Lord, seeking to bring him glory and honor in all that you do and say?


Happy Wednesday, folks! Today we continue in our month of Psalms devotion with a look at Psalms 23. I am excited for our devotion today because we have a guest blogger with us. One of my students and close friends, Ms. Laura Duncan has written the devotion for today, so sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy.

‘Tis the season for thanksgiving! But shouldn’t we be thankful all year? Shouldn’t we focus more on thanksgiving even when it’s not close to Thanksgiving Day? Sure, we all know we’re supposed to be thankful, especially when we have things about which to be thankful. But… don’t we always? It’s easy to think of things to be thankful for when we’re on the mountain top, full of joy and prospering. But what about when we’re in the valley, the darkest valley? Guess what! We still have plenty to be thankful for even in the valleys!

Psalm 23 was written by David in a time of exile. He was fleeing King Saul and constantly under the threat of losing his life. Rather than being a Psalm of lament, as me might expect from this period of his life, David praised the Lord and expressed his confidence in God’s power and protection!

“The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake. Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff – they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I live.” (Psalm 23, HCSB)

David begins this Psalm by asserting that the Lord is his shepherd. David himself used to be a shepherd! David was the youngest of Jesse’s sons. He tended his father’s flock of sheep in Bethlehem. He, with God’s strength and courage and defensive talents he learned as a shepherd, defeated Goliath. David understood what it meant to be a shepherd. It meant tending to the sheep, watching them, keeping count of them, leading them in the right direction, providing for them, and protecting them from predators. 

So, when David said the Lord is his shepherd, he was saying that the Lord watches over him, leads him, provides for him, and protects him. Immediately after stating that the Lord is his shepherd – and stating in such a resolute way, making it clear that David believed it – he said, “There is nothing I lack,” further proving his trust that God would provide for his every need. Remember that David said this in a time of great distress as he was fleeing from Saul who was envious of God’s favor with David. David’s life was on the line, and he was running from an angry and envious king. Yet he praised God for being his shepherd and providing everything he needed. 

In verse two, David wrote, “He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.” Sheep aren’t incredibly intelligent animals, which is why they need a shepherd. A good shepherd will know what his sheep need. David described the working of the Lord in regular shepherding terms. A good shepherd will lead his sheep to green pastures where they will be able to rest and graze on healthy plants. A good shepherd will lead his sheep beside quiet waters. Notice the wording here: beside quiet waters. It would be difficult for sheep to drink from roaring rapids… They might even fall in! The shepherd knows that his sheep need a water source from which they are able to drink, such as a stream or a creek. Quiet waters! In the same way, God will provide places and things from which we can sustain ourselves physically and spiritually, which would be our own kind of green pastures and quiet waters. We should always be thankful for God’s provision and that He knows exactly what we need. 

David wrote in verse three, “He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake.” We can have renewed life from no one and no where else but God, our Creator. He gave us life and He alone can renew it (2 Corinthians 4:16). He renews our life physically by leading us to those green pastures and quiet waters mentioned earlier, and by spiritually guiding and correcting us as David mentions later in this Psalm. 

God leads us “along right paths” or “paths of righteousness.” Our purpose on this earth is to glorify God, and to do that we must follow and obey His commands. As Christians, we all have the same command, to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). We are commanded to make disciples. Our callings are more specific and individual ways God desires us for us to make disciples. This command and these callings are the paths on which our Good Shepherd leads us. And it is for His name’s sake that we obey Him and follow where He leads us. It is for His name’s sake, meaning for His glory alone – not for our own pleasure or fulfillment, but for the glory of our Father. However, we may find pleasure and fulfillment in following God’s command and call on our lives when the desires of our hearts align with His will. “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires” (Psalm 37:4).

Verse four, one of my favorite verses, begins, “Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me.” In a battle, a valley is the last place we want to be. Being at the lowest point puts us at a great disadvantage. Enemies will surround us from above, trapping us below. It’s a lot harder to fight going uphill than it is to fight going downhill. We’re in a spiritual battle every single day. Some days we are in the valley. But our Good Shepherd is there with us! Even in the darkest valley, He is with us. And because He’s the God and Creator of the universe, He is also above the valley. He knows where every enemy is. He knows every inch of the mountains and the valleys because He made them. God is with us in the valleys, and we know He will sustain us and provide for our every need, so we have no reason to fear. 

David showed this in his life. Even though he was being threatened by Saul and running for his life, he praised God, knowing he was going through the darkest valley. But he had no reason to fear because God was with him. Let’s be thankful knowing the same is true for us!

David continued verse four by saying, “Your rod and Your staff – they comfort me.” How can a rod and staff be comforting? First, we have to see why the rod and staff were used. A shepherd carried a rod to protect his sheep. The rod was his weapon to fight off wolves and other predators. He carried a staff to correct his sheep. He could guide them along quiet waters or keep them from the edge of a cliff. David used this imagery to describe God’s protecting and correcting hand. God protects us from dangers, and He has provided the ultimate protection from hell by sending His only Son to die and take the punishment for our sins. We can surrender our lives to Christ and accept that perfect gift. God corrects us by filling us with the Holy Spirit and convicting us when we sin. We should view our convictions as an act of grace from God because He allows us to recognize our sin and turn from it, rather than letting us live blindly in our sin. 

Verse five says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” God is gracious enough to prepare a symbolic banquet for us, showing His goodness and mercy in giving us more than we deserve. Historically, a gracious host would anoint his guest’s head with oil as a symbol of honor, an honor we may receive if we are covered by the precious and righteous blood of Christ! David describes his cup as overflowing, signifying that God has provided an abundance for him. 

David ended the Psalm with verse six, which says, “Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I live.” David paints a blissful picture in this last verse. He understands that God, who is the definition of goodness and faithful love, has prepared a dwelling place for His children, for believers. 

We can be encouraged through David’s assurance that, even as he went through the dark valley of fleeing for his life, God was his Good Shepherd, protecting, guiding, correcting, and sustaining him through all of it. Just as David was, so should we be thankful for God’s daily protection, guidance, correction, and provision on every mountain and in every valley. 

You can follow Laura on her blog post Pleasure in a Good Novel where she blogs about God, the Bible, and books. She is an active reader, blogger and photographer. You can follow her photography business at Laura Beth Inventum Photography.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed Wednesday.


Happy Monday, folks. I pray that you all had a wonderful weekend and you now find yourself ready to tackle yet another week. There is just something about Monday’s. I mean some people love them and some people hate them. If I’m honest, I’m kind of lean somewhere in the middle. It’s not that I don’t like Monday’s, it’s just hard to be motivated first thing on a Monday morning. So, I pray that today’s post will provide a little encouragement and motivation as you start this new week.

This past weekend left me with a lot of things to talk about when it came to sports. My Liberty Flames football team took down the Arkansas Razorbacks, UNC beat Virginia, Georgia beat up little ‘ole Tennessee, Alabama lost and sadly, the Houston Astros won the World Series. Now, I say this because if you know me, I could talk all day about sports. Most of you are probably like that too, in that you can have a long conversation about the things you really like. Maybe it’s music, art, books, movies or TV shows, but we talk a lot about the things we are passionate about.

According to a recent study, the average person has twenty-seven conversations per day and both men and women average about sixteen thousand words per day. That is a lot of words and a lot of conversations. However, when it comes to bringing up the gospel, we seem to shy away. For some, they break out in sweat, hives, sweaty palms and our tongues get tied and we find ourselves talking about everything but the gospel.

It’s almost as if the idea of injecting Jesus into our conversations causes anxiety and fear for believers and even some pastors. Too many times we try to over-complicate talking about Jesus. We are afraid of being too confrontational, argumentative or we feel like we have to be some deep theologian before we can share the gospel with others. Simply put, sharing the gospel has lost its simplicity today. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

I want to challenge you this week to share a Jesus story with someone. What is a Jesus story? It is an opportunity for you to share a brief story about how Jesus is working in your life. You don’t have to share your testimony, although if the opportunity arises don’t let it pass. Sharing a Jesus story with someone can be as simple as encouraging someone who is going through a hard time, having issues in their life, etc. Look for ways to just turn everyday conversations into a gospel conversation or a Jesus story. Simply just be willing to be step out of your comfort zone, be obedient to the Spirit’s leading and share a Jesus story with someone this week. I promise you, it will make a huge difference for that person and strengthen your walk with Jesus as well.

After all, what do you have to lose?

Have a wonderful week and I would love to hear from you and your Jesus story moments.


The calendar has turned and we have officially moved into November. I know for many the first of November brings excitement and joy as Christmas draws closer. (In fact, I’m sure some of you started listening to Christmas music on November 1st!) Well, I haven’t gotten to the point of Christmas music yet, but I do love the Christmas season. But, I cannot overlook Thanksgiving and that means that Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time of the year to pause and give thanks for all of life’s blessings. After all, sometimes it can be hard or difficult to find just the right words to express thanksgiving and praise. Thankfully, we have God’s Word where we can turn to the Book of Psalms to help us express the gratitude we are feeling. So, every Wednesday through November, I would like to take a moment and share some Psalms that remind us of the joy and steadfast love we have in our hearts, and, above all, to give thanks to the Lord. Our first Psalm that we want to look at is Psalms 100.

Let the whole earth shout triumphantly to the LORD! Serve the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Acknowledge that the LORD is God. He made us, and we are his- his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and bless his name. For the LORD is good, and his faithful love endures forever; his faithfulness, through all generations.” (Christian Standard Bible)

This Psalm – Palms 100 – is a Psalm of thanksgiving. It alone captures the essence of praising God for His greatness and power. It is through praise that brings about an infectious joy! Today, no matter how crazy or dark life may get, there is joy to be found when we commune with God. Let me quickly share three ways that we can express thanksgiving to God each and every day.


Psalms 100 encourage us to be joyful in the Lord and to express that joy in the form of praise and thanksgiving. This rejoicing does not have to be merely springing from our circumstances but is rooted and sustained in the enduring character and promises of God that give us hope even in our crazy and darkest days. Through meditating and singing about who God is and what He has promised, we can “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice” because “the Lord is at hand” (Philippians 4:4-5).

Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading through some of the Psalms throughout November. I pray that they will be a reminder of God’s goodness and love to you.