MOTIVATION MONDAY: The Whole Bible in 16 Verses – Part 1


Happy Monday, and welcome to MOTIVATION MONDAY. Today, we will begin our series on The Whole Bible in 16 Verses. This will be a longer series than usual, but well worth it as we dive into God’s Word and see His working in just 16 verses. I am glad that you have joined us, and let’s begin with our first verse.

“God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” (Genesis 1:31, NASB)

As I set out to tell the story of the whole Bible, I have to begin with God. He is the author of the Bible, so to tell this story without starting with Him is impossible. See, our view of the world begins with our view of God. “The way we think about God shapes the way we think about everything else, along the way we act and respond to every circumstance.” (Chris Brunno)

God said that all of creation was very good. This may sound surprising to you at first glance. After all, when we look around our world, turn on our radios, tv’s or the news, the world doesn’t seem “very good.” We see things that are dying, decaying, and people who are constantly fighting. How is all of God’s creation good?

At the very beginning, God was able to create everything that exists with just a word. The entire universe came to be because God spoke. God made everything, and everything He made was good. He simply spoke and creation obeyed. Wait what, how did creation obey? It obeyed by coming into being, and sprouting every living thing and then submitting to God’s sovereign power. By saying that His creation “very good”, He was proclaiming that His creation was doing what He wanted it to do. Everything was in perfect unison, working and flowing together just as their creator intended. Everything was in perfect harmony!

Take a moment today to read Psalms 104 and you will see that the earth, the sky, the ocean and everything continue to reflect God’s power, might and creativity. Verse 27 concludes, “They all wait for You to give them their food.” This is amazing because despite all that has gone wrong in the world, God’s kingdom still looks to Him, depends on Him just as it has from the very beginning. Look around you today and thank God for the creation of nature. Let it bring to your remembrance his power and divinity. Genesis 1:31 gives us a small window into the creation story, but it is not the whole story. Yes, God is King and rules over His creation, He did not intend to rule it alone. But, more on that next week.

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