Hello Friday and welcome back to another edition of FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. If this is your first time with us, welcome. I am so thankful to see Friday because this has been one crazy and hectic week. One reason for the crazy week is that it is the last week of school and in our house, that is always a hectic week. With this being the last week of school, it got me thinking about summer and all that it brings. So, in today’s edition of FIVE THINGS FRIDAY we are going to discuss all things summer. Let’s go…


Photo Courtesy of Pelicans Snowballs in Hickory, NC

Today is the last day of school for our house! I know some students have already finished school for the year and summer break has already started for you. I know some of you may find this hard to believe, but there was a small part of me that always hated the last day of school. I never liked going to school for the work and study. I did however enjoy going to school to see my friends and participate in the extracurricular activities with them. I absolutely loved being a part of marching band, chorus and sports teams! I spent over 100 days with these people and then all of a sudden, I’m stuck at home all day with no friends and nothing to do. When I was growing up, if I wanted to hang out with my friends, I had to ask and beg my older sister to take to meet up with them to play basketball, tennis, or whatever else we would get into. More times than not, she was always willing. If I wanted to talk to them, I had to pick up a phone, dial their number and talk to them over the phone. It’s not like today where we can just text someone or FaceTime someone if we want to talk with them. But, I am grateful for those summers and still have some great memories of me and the boys.

So, with today being the last day of school, here is what I was wondering. Did you ever have an end of the year tradition as a kid or with your kids now? For example, once I pick up Gracie and Jana gets home, we will head over to Pelican’s for our end of the school year tradition that we started with Gracie. It’s not anything big, but it’s a fun little tradition. It actually makes me happy that our little pre-teen is still excited to go to Pelican’s after school! It’s the little victories in life that we will remember the most, right? What about you? Was there a tradition that you had for the last day of school?


Ok, I probably lost some of you at this point, but stay with me. I know that you have doing a ton of school work and the last thing you want to do is pick up another book. I get that! However, I want to challenge you to keep your mind focused this summer. Sure, take a few days and do nothing but veg out on junk food, catch up on TV shows, sleep in, whatever you need to do to unwind from a grueling year. But don’t stay there! Challenge yourself this summer to read a book that you typically would not pick up. I will put out a more extensive list of books for you to read next week. So, for the moment, enjoy your start to summer, get rested up and congrats on a great year. Also, congratulations to all the graduates of 2022!


Summer is a great time to get out and serve others. Hold on, before you check out. Too many times we think of summer break as “me” time. I completely understand that. We all need a little “me/down” time, but don’t stay there! Don’t be so inward focused that you miss the people and opportunities right in front of you. Find a few ways this summer to go and serve. This isn’t just for students either! Maybe you want to find a way for you and your family to go and serve together, that would be such a blessing. Psalms 100:2 says, “Serve the LORD with gladness” (NASB). Believers should never look at serving God as a burden, but as a delight and privilege. Look for opportunities to serve within your church. Maybe your church has a monthly food bank or clothes bank that you could get involved with. Maybe you could go and help out one of the senior adults in your church. There are multiple ways for you to go and serve this summer. Don’t waste your summer by thinking only of yourself, if you do you will miss out on so many great opportunities.


Yes, you read that right. I am going to create a summer scavenger hunt for you and your family to do this summer. It will be published next week along with the Summer Reading Challenge. This is just one way that you and your family can enjoy summer together. You can participate as an individual, a family, a Sunday school class or youth group. The possibilities are endless. This will be a weekly challenge and I look forward to participating with you!


As I look back at past summers, I see a trail of wonderful and bittersweet memories. There have been summers that overflowed with joy and summers filled with deep sadness and pain. The common thread is that every summer was unique and had its own tale to tell.

Just as every physical summer has a story, so does every spiritual summer. We each walk through different spiritual seasons at different times. Fall is a time of change. Winter is a time of barrenness and preparation. Spring is a time of rebirth. And summer is a time for bearing fruit and embracing the abundant life that God has called us to.

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, NASB)

This may sound strange but there is nothing quite like a sweet, sun-ripened summer strawberry! My wife absolutely loves them. In fact, she is already telling me that it’s time to go back to the beach so she can get her favorite strawberries from one of the farmers. Just like sun-ripened strawberries have to be cultivated and cared for while they are on the branches, so do we. We must stay connected to Christ, who is our vine if we are to grow in the image and person of Jesus Christ. I pray that you will stay connected to Jesus (the vine) this summer and seek to serve Him, to bring Him glory in all that you do. If you do, this summer will be one of the most exciting stories you will experience.

Thank you for joining me today and I pray that you have a blessed Friday. Until next week my friends!

MOTIVATION MONDAY: The Whole Bible in 16 Verses – Part 1


Happy Monday, and welcome to MOTIVATION MONDAY. Today, we will begin our series on The Whole Bible in 16 Verses. This will be a longer series than usual, but well worth it as we dive into God’s Word and see His working in just 16 verses. I am glad that you have joined us, and let’s begin with our first verse.

“God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” (Genesis 1:31, NASB)

As I set out to tell the story of the whole Bible, I have to begin with God. He is the author of the Bible, so to tell this story without starting with Him is impossible. See, our view of the world begins with our view of God. “The way we think about God shapes the way we think about everything else, along the way we act and respond to every circumstance.” (Chris Brunno)

God said that all of creation was very good. This may sound surprising to you at first glance. After all, when we look around our world, turn on our radios, tv’s or the news, the world doesn’t seem “very good.” We see things that are dying, decaying, and people who are constantly fighting. How is all of God’s creation good?

At the very beginning, God was able to create everything that exists with just a word. The entire universe came to be because God spoke. God made everything, and everything He made was good. He simply spoke and creation obeyed. Wait what, how did creation obey? It obeyed by coming into being, and sprouting every living thing and then submitting to God’s sovereign power. By saying that His creation “very good”, He was proclaiming that His creation was doing what He wanted it to do. Everything was in perfect unison, working and flowing together just as their creator intended. Everything was in perfect harmony!

Take a moment today to read Psalms 104 and you will see that the earth, the sky, the ocean and everything continue to reflect God’s power, might and creativity. Verse 27 concludes, “They all wait for You to give them their food.” This is amazing because despite all that has gone wrong in the world, God’s kingdom still looks to Him, depends on Him just as it has from the very beginning. Look around you today and thank God for the creation of nature. Let it bring to your remembrance his power and divinity. Genesis 1:31 gives us a small window into the creation story, but it is not the whole story. Yes, God is King and rules over His creation, He did not intend to rule it alone. But, more on that next week.


Hello, Friday! There is something special about waking up and realizing that it’s Friday, especially after testing week. I cannot believe that another school year has come and gone! It literally feels like yesterday when the school year started. I pray that everyone had a wonderful school year and congratulations to all the graduates! Whether high school or college, you deserve a round of applause for your accomplishment! I know that I am extremely proud of all my graduates this year! Well, in this edition of FIVE THINGS FRIDAY, I am going to need your participation and feedback. As the school year comes to an end and we are preparing for summer, I want to have some fun in this post with THIS or THAT Summer Edition questions. I look forward to hearing your responses! So, without further ado, here we go…


THIS OR THAT QUESTION 1: Sunrise or Sunset?

This is a really tough one, but I probably prefer sunset because I am not a morning person. However, there is something about a sunrise and having that morning sun hit your face. I think a sunrise is easier to photograph too, but the colors in a sunset are absolutely beautiful. But, I’m still sticking with my sunset! How about you?


I enjoy pools as long as it’s not crowded and the same is true about the beach. Not sure why I chose this question because I am more of a mountains and camping person. But I will say pool! I am sure that many of you are beach people and would probably live at the beach if you had the chance… my wife being one of those people! If she could find a way to do it, her dream job would be the beach “librarian” where she would take her little book cart up and down the beach handing out books for anyone interested. I do enjoy the beach for the simple fact that I reminds me of how amazing God’s creation is. But, I am sticking with the pool for now.

THIS OR THAT QUESTION 3: Baseball Game or Summer Concert?

Hands down I will always go with a baseball game. There is something special about being at a ballpark in summer. The sounds, smells and over all atmosphere just screams summer. However, we are going to our first summer concert this year, so I may change my answer after that experience, we will have to wait and see. (I don’t really see that happening, but I’m keeping an open mind!)

THIS OR THAT QUESTION 4: Theme Park or Water Park?

THEME PARK ALL THE WAY! Water parks scare me because there are so many people swimming and floating in the water. I would rather spend an entire day walking around a theme park than swimming with a bunch of strangers who are bumping up against you. Even though there are probably more rides that I would ride at a water park, I will still choose to be in a theme park. I like the atmosphere and the smell of popcorn and food floating through the air is unbeatable. Now, I know some of you will try to say both, because you can go to theme parks that have water parks in them… that doesn’t count. You can only choose one!

THIS OR THAT QUESTION 5: Summer Reading or Summer Movies?

This one is actually quite hard for me. Now, I would say summer reading. When I was younger I did not like to read. I would much rather go and watch the movie, because the movie was better, right? My wife has greatly influenced this side of me since we have been married. I have stated before that I am not a fast reader, but I at least enjoy reading. Also, reading is a bit more relaxing than watching movies now a days. I cannot go to the movies just to watch a movie. It really has to be something that I want to watch. However, there are two summer movies that I will be going to watch this summer, but that may be it. But, which one are you choosing? What books do you enjoy reading and do you have a “favorite” spot that you like to sit and read during the summer?

Well, that’s it for this week. Have a blessed weekend and I look forward to reading your responses. Thanks for reading and see you next Friday!

MIDWEEK DEVOTIONAL: What Are You Praying For?

Happy Wednesday! Welcome to the MIDWEEK DEVOTIONAL where my desire is to encourage you with the Word of God as you drudge through this “hump day” as they call it. If you have your bibles, we are going to be in James 5: 16-18.

Confess your trespasses to another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.” (NKJV)

There is great power in prayer. In fact, you could probably attest to this! ( I know that I can.) But as I read James 5:13-18, I see the word prayer mentioned 7 times in my translation (NJKV). SEVEN times in just a few short verses tells me that this must be important. James begin with telling anyone who is suffering to pray, then to call the elders to come and pray over you if you are sick and the “prayer of faith” will save the sick. But then in verse 16, James gets a little more personal. He tells us to confess our sins to one another and to pray for one another. He then says, “The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

The end of verse 16 stood out to me more than usual this time. Maybe it was the fervent. What does fervent even mean? How do I know if I have a fervent prayer life?

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary the word fervent means, exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling. Immediately following, he gives the example of Elijah. Elijah was one of the most important and most respected prophets in Israel’s history. Elijah prayed to God vehemently. His prayers were bold and he called on God to do the miraculous. His requests weren’t small – He prayed for a drought in the land, prayed to raise the widow’s son from the dead and called down a fire from heaven to consume the offering on Mount Carmel. The Bible tells us, “At the usual time for offering the evening sacrifice, Elijah the prophet walked up to the altar and prayed, ‘O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, prove today that you are God in Israel and that I am Your servant. Prove that I have done all that is at your command. Immediately the fire of the Lord flashed down from heaven and burned up the young bull, the wood, the stones and the dust. It even licked up all the water in the trench!” (1 Kings 18:36,38).

We see through Elijah’s life that prayer is truly powerful. His life reminds us that if we trust in God through prayer, it will make a significant impact.

Are we a praying people today? I know that my own prayer life may not look like that of Elijah, but oh how I would desire for it to be! Colossians 4:2 reminds us, “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.”

What are you praying for today? Are you being vigilant in your prayer life, truly expecting God to answer your prayers? What is something that I can join you in praying for today?

Thanks for reading and have a blessed Wednesday.

MOTIVATION MONDAY: The Whole Bible in 16 Verses

Happy Monday! I pray that your weekend was good and that you are rested and ready to tackle another work week. I am excited to start a new series for MOTIVATION MONDAY. We are going to attempt to cover the whole Bible in just 16 verses, that’s right, 16 verses. Out of 31, 102 verses in the entire Bible, how are we going to look at whole of Scripture in 16 verses? Great question! It’s going to be tough, but the verses we will look at will actually be more than 16 verses. However, I consider the ones we will look at to be key “turning points” in the storyline of Scripture which will enable us to see God’s plan to redeem His people and glorify His name from Genesis to Revelation.

Today, I want to simply give you an introduction and outline of the verses we will cover over the coming weeks. Actually, this will take us all the way through summer (May 16 – August 29). Some weeks will be more in depth than others, but all 16 verses are important and will help shape our view of God and His overall work in our lives. I have included the verses that we will look at each week to help you be prepared for that week’s post. Now, let’s set out on this journey together and thanks for joining me.


WEEK 1: Genesis 1:31

WEEK 2: Genesis 1:27-28

WEEK 3: Genesis 3:6-7

WEEK 4: Genesis 3:15

WEEK 5: Genesis 12:1-3

WEEK 6: Genesis 49:10

WEEK 7: Exodus 12:23

WEEK 8: 2 Samuel 7:12-13

WEEK 9: Isaiah 53:6

WEEK 10: Ezekiel 37:3-5

WEEK 11: Isaiah 65:17

WEEK 12: Mark 1:14-15

WEEK 13: John 19:30

WEEK 14: Romans 1:3-4

WEEK 15: Romans 3:21-26

WEEK 16: Revelation 21:1-4


Hello and welcome back to another edition of FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. Today is Friday, May 13th, so be sure to enjoy binge watching all the Friday the 13th movies today! (I’m kidding, don’t do that!) It is Friday, which means that the weekend is just about here. Well, in today’s blog I want to share 5 of my favorite pictures that I have taken over the last couple of months. I talked in an earlier post that I would like to do this. I’m still thinking about setting up a website where I can share all my pictures, but that is something for another day.

There’s an old saying that goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” I pray that you will see the truth and beauty in that as you look over the pictures I will be sharing. These are posted in no particular order as I could not figure out which one is my favorite. So, sit back and enjoy today’s FIVE THINGS FRIDAY PICTURE edition.


This is one of my favorite pictures that I captured of Gracie this season. I love the determination on her face as she is dribbling past two defenders. I enjoy this photo in black and white because it just helps you to focus on the aspects of the photo and the lack of color which can sometimes be distracting to the eye. I love trying to capture her joy and passion for a sport that she has fallen in love with.

Grandview Eagles vs. Riverbend Knights


Sunrise at Garden City Pier

For anyone who knows me, the beach has not always been my favorite place. I will take the mountains any day of the week. However, there is something really special about a sunrise at the beach. For me, it’s a sign of God’s promise that He has given me a new day! Also, the sunrise at the beach shows me just how beautiful God’s creation is. As you watch the sun come up over the water, the rays reflecting on the waves as they crash into the shore paints a picture that cannot easily escape your mind. I love it when God shows off!



This specific picture shows a place that is very near and dear to my heart. This is at Garden City Chapel and is the place that so many conversations about Jesus and life have taken place. We use this spot as our church group devotion time at summer camp. It’s in this spot that I have been blessed with countless stories of how God has moved in the hearts and lives of so many students. Looking at this picture just gets me excited for this year’s summer camp.


Grandview Eagles vs. Arndt Warriors

This picture simply warms my heart! The smiles you see are so genuine from these two young ladies. This was one of my biggest highlights from our soccer season this year. Gracie and Kennedy have been playing soccer with each other for 7 seasons and this is the first time they have had to play against each other. To watch them on the “big stage” of middle school soccer was exciting, joyful and saddening at the same time. I have loved every moment coaching these two, so it was kind of like a “proud dad/coach” moment when they took the field against each other. I was rooting for Arndt to lose, but rooting for Kennedy to score on Gracie.. which she almost did! These moments come and go so fast, that’s why I love trying to capture moments like this in photos. The next 5 years are going to be so much fun!



This picture reminds of Psalms 46:10 where David wrote, “Be still and know that I am God.” Too many times we get side-tracked or even lost in all the noise and distractions that surround us in every day life. It is moments like the one captured that we disengage from the clutter and just sit in the presence of God. Moments like this should never be taken for granted! God wants to speak to us. He loves us and wants to be a part of our life. Take a moment today to be still and let God speak into your life.

That’s it for this edition of FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. Thanks for spending a few minutes with me and I pray that your Friday will be as awesome as you are. See you next week, friends.

MOTIVATION MONDAY: Becoming Like Christ Week 6

Hello and Happy Monday! Today, we conclude our series on Becoming Like Christ Through the Spiritual Disciplines. I have enjoyed sharing this series with you and I pray that it has been fruitful in your walk with Jesus Christ. As we wrap up this series, we will finish with the Spiritual Discipline of Service. Let’s dive in…

In his book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Godly Life, Donald Whitney uses the analogy of comparing the Spiritual Discipline of Service to that of The Pony Express. The Pony Express carried mail by horseback riders from April 3, 1860 – November 18, 1861. During that short span, this was anything but an easy job. Riders had a to deal with long, hard rides, they had to be ready for Indian attacks and riders had to be ready to cover seventy-five to hundred miles a day… on horseback. In order to recruit riders for this hazardous job, Bolivar Roberts posted this ad, “Wanted- young, skinny, wiry fellows not over 18. Must be expert riders willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred.” Sounds like a great job description, right? Well, as crazy as this job description may sound to us, The Pony Express never experienced a a shortage of riders.

Well, on one level, the same commitment should be the desire of every Christian. Serving God is not for those who are just casually interested. Just like the riders for The Pony Express, serving God is costly service. God asks for your life and for your service to Him to be your top priority. It’s not a short-term commitment like The Pony Express. Too many times people have the idea that Christianity is strictly a personal and private “religion”. That it is only about me and Jesus. But that cannot be further from the truth. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I am called to put Him first in all things, to go and share the good news and make disciples of every nation.

Paul urges us in Romans 12:11, “Do not lack diligence in zeal; be fervent in the Spirit, serve the Lord.”

Ephesians 2:8-10, “For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift – not from works, so that no one can boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.” God has given us new life in order that we might “do good works”.

Hebrews 9:14, “how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works, so that we can serve the living God?

Romans 12:1, “Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.

In view of God’s mercies, our only right response is to offer our entire lives to the Lord. When I think about these things, I am reminded of Dietrich Bonheffer’s quote from The Cost of Discipleship. He says, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” “Such a call to serve Christ summons up images of legendary martyrs, fearless in the face of persecution, or of triumphant death after a lifetime of planting the flag of the gospel among unreached people.” Donal Whitney

Is there anything that we are holding back from serving God wholeheartedly?

How am I using my time, energy, money, opportunities, relationships, abilities and talents?

Can I say today, that I am truly offering my life as a living sacrifice for His glory and His service?

Think about the church you attend, where is an area that you can go and willingly serve the Lord this week?

Thank you for joining me during this study on Becoming Like Christ Through the Spiritual Disciplines. I pray that it has been fruitful and rewarding for you. But more importantly, I pray that God has used this study to draw you closer to Him, deepens your walk with Him and motivated you to go and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Have a blessed week and see you next week.


Hello, Friday! Welcome back to another FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. I pray that your week has been well and that you are ready for a weekend of rest and relaxation, especially all the moms! That’s right, this weekend is Mother’s Day, so today’s post is mostly dedicated to three very important mother’s in my life. So, without further ado, here is this weeks FIVE THINGS FRIDAY.


It is said that all good things must come to an end. I’m not sure if they really come to an end as much as we continue on with the next part of the journey. However, I am saddened to have our soccer season come to an end. This week we ended our soccer seasons, both at Grandview Middle School and the YMCA (our championship game is on Saturday.) It was so much fun to watch our lady eagles play this season and although the season ended with a loss to our rivals, it was anything but a disappointing season. They embodied what it means to be a team. They cared for each other, they looked out for each other and they supported each other. In one of the best games of the year, we lost a game in penalty kicks. Actually, it took three rounds of penalty kicks to decide the game. But after a two hour plus game, the one image that stands out to me is as soon as the opposing team scored the winning goal and began to celebrate, our team was cheering louder as they embraced our goalie with hugs. They refused to let her get down on herself and they were right there to pick her up. That is true sportsmanship at its finest. So, yes, I am a little sad to see this season end, but I look forward to next season and all that it will entail. Thanks for joining us this season and reading each week about some amazing young ladies.

Grandview Eagles prepare to play against Northview Hawks


This weekend is Mother’s Day. I am grateful to all the mother’s out there and for your dedication and sacrifice you make each and every day for your family. This poem describes perfectly just how amazing and precious a mothers love truly is. To all moms this weekend, Happy Mother’s Day!

“A Mother’s Love”

A Mother’s love is something
that no one can explain,
It is made of deep devotion
and of sacrifice and pain,
It is endless and unselfish
and enduring come what may,
For nothing can destroy it
or take that love away,
It is patient and forgiving
when all others are forsaking,
And it never fails or falters

— Helen Steiner Rice


I am so thankful for my mom and all that she does for me and our family. I am thankful that God allowed me the opportunity to be raised in a Christian home with parents who embodied what it meant to serve and be a Christ-like example to others. I am thankful that my mom taught me at an early age how to cook. In fact, the first thing I ever learned how to cook was scrambled eggs. There are still times that I enjoy calling her and asking her about certain ingredients or directions about foods I prepare for my girls. I am thankful how she taught me to love Jesus, serve Him and treat others with kindness and love. (YES, there are days that I fail at that miserably!) I love how she finds joy in always wanting to cook for her family. (One of these days I will make pintos that taste just as amazing as yours!) I love her coconut cakes and candy cane cookies, two of my all-time favorites! I love the memories that she tried to give us as children and how my sister and I have tried to pass along some of the same ideas to our own daughters. Mom, I pray that you know just how much that you are loved and adored by your son! I love you and wish you the best Mother’s Day yet.


I want to go on record by saying that I have the best mother-in-law EVER! I simply could not have asked for a better human to be my mother-in-law. I am so thankful for everything that you do for our family, the way that you put up with your crazy son-in-law (well, at least this one!) I am thankful for the love that you gave to your daughters and the example that you gave them for what a wonderful mother looks like. I see so much of your example in Jana and the way that she treats people, cares for others, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. I love the Christ-like example that you show each and everyday! I cannot say it enough, but you are truly the best mother-in-law ever! I love you and have a blessed Mother’s Day.


Jana, I absolutely adore you! I do not have enough time nor space to tell you how much I love you, how grateful I am for, and how thankful I am for you. I am so thankful that God sent you to me and I am thankful that He has allowed you to be Gracie’s mom. You do an amazing job at being her mother, her best friend and her number one fan! I know that she may not realize it right now how amazing her mom is, but there will be a day when that reality hits. It is fun to just sit back and watch you interact with her, laugh with her and at times snuggle with her (when she lets you.) I love that you are her “loud, proud, soccer mom” and how you are constantly cheering her on. (Also, the other girls like you being the “loud, proud, soccer mom too!)

Jana, I love you more than words could ever say. Thank you for saying “YES” and joining me on this amazing journey that God has blessed us to be on. I love our adventures, but more importantly, I love being on those adventures with you. Happy Mother’s Day to you, my love!

Thanks for joining me for FIVE THINGS FRIDAY and we will see you next week.

Wednesday Devotional: A Calloused Heart


After arranging a day with him, many cam e to him at his lodging. From dawn to dusk he expounded and testified about the kingdom of God. He tried to persuade them about persuade them about Jesus from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets. Some were persuaded by what he said, but others did not believe. Disagreeing among themselves, they began to leave after Paul made one statement: “The Holy Spirit was right in saying to your ancestors thought the prophet Isaiah when he said, Go to these people and say: You will always be listening, but never understanding; and you will always be looking, but never perceiving. For the hearts of these people have grown callous, their ears are hard of hearing, and they have shut their eyes; otherwise they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears, understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them. Therefore, let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen. Paul stayed two whole years in his own rented house. And he welcomed all who visited him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.”

Nowhere in the Star Wars universe will you finds someone that fits a better description of a calloused heart better than Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi. He is bitter and frightened after failing to train in his nephew, Ben Solo in the ways of the Jedi and then to see him turn to the Dark Side and destroy the Jedi Academy. Skywalker then heads to the island of Achc-To where instead of seeking healing and rest, he instead chose to wither up and die, secluding himself from everyone he knew and loved and separating himself from the force all together.

Because he shut himself off from the force, he was saying that he would rather die a hermit than help fight alongside his friends and family. Also, had he not shut himself off from the force, he would have felt the very moment that his best friend, Han Solo died. (Spoiler alert)

Paul dealt with hard-hearted people as well. He tried and tried to explain the Scriptures to them so that they could understand who Jesus was and what His mission on earth had been. He was speaking to those that should have been very open to hearing the message, since they were religious leaders and people that had been studying these prophecies and looking for the coming of the Messiah.

Instead, because it wasn’t in their way and in their time, they shut their ears and wouldn’t listen. They wouldn’t let the word get into their hearts because then they might have to change, they might have to relinquish what they had and start over in humility. That’s a hard thing for anyone to do, much less those that have a lot to lose.

Do we start to form calluses over our heart? Are there times where God is trying to tell us which way to go or what sort of thing to do and we just kinda ignore the prompting? Would we rather yell at the other side or feel superior to people that disagree with us rather than engaging them in love the way Jesus would? Do we get set in our ways and find that preferable to God’s way?

If you find that sort of callus forming, may you be reminded of Kind David when he said in Psalms 139:23-24, “Search me, O God and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.” A calloused heart leads us away from having a worshipful and joyous heart. Jesus Christ didn’t come and die on the cross just so that you could go though life with a calloused heart. He came and died on that cross for our sins, so that we may have life everlasting. Don’t let your calloused heart ruin what Christ has started in you, it’s simply not worth it.

MOTIVATION MONDAY: Becoming Like Christ Week 5

Happy Monday, folks! I pray that you had a restful weekend and an even better day of worship on Sunday. Today, we are continuing in our study of Becoming Like Christ by looking at one of the hardest spiritual disciplines, the spiritual discipline of evangelism. For some, just saying the word evangelism can conjure up a sense of terror and fear and with good reason. This may sound weird, but evangelism can be hard, fearful and joyful all at the same time. Today, if you find sharing the gospel with others hard, then you’re in good company.

It sounds a little weird to think of evangelism as a spiritual discipline, but when we look at Scripture we see how Jesus commanded us to go and share the gospel with others. After all, bearing witness to Jesus is part of our basic identity as believers. Jesus promised his followers, “You will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8 ESV), and “I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19 ESV). Evangelism at its core is our basic task; it’s what we do. Our commission to go is an extension of Jesus’s own mission (Matt. 28:18–20John 20:21). We are a sent people to go and tell others about the person of Jesus Christ.

However, it needs to be said that it does little good to encourage people to discipline themselves to evangelize if they do not know the gospel. If we are not faithfully practicing the other spiritual disciplines we have previously discussed, then it will be of no use for someone who isn’t living out what they believe to go and practice the discipline of evangelism. That may sound harsh, but if we are not growing in God’s Word, giving attention to prayer and worship, how then can we properly share Jesus to others? Quite simply, we can’t. Evangelism as a spiritual discipline is hard, but it’s harder when you are not connected to the One we are supposed to be sharing to the world.

Donald Whitney says it best in his book Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life, “godliness requires that we discipline ourselves in the practice of evangelism.” Too many times (myself included), we over think evangelism. Let me remind you today that if you are in Christ, you are already empowered by the Holy Spirit to go, speak and share about Jesus Christ. Evangelism is not us trying to save someone, that is God’s working. He just uses us as His instruments and hands and feet to take the news of the Gospel and share it others. This can happen when the words of the gospel are spoken, written, recorded, or delivered to one person or to a group of people.

In Mark 16, Jesus appears to the disciples, who were reclining at the table and He rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart. In Mark 16:15 Jesus says, “Then he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” In Luke 24:46-47 he says, “He also said to them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins will be proclaimed in his name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” These commands were not given to the apostles only, they were given to us, to anyone who is in Christ today. Jesus calls all believers to be His witnesses in the world. And here is the good news, we don’t have to be elegant speakers or have it all together. We go and share the gospel because Jesus Christ provides us with the power to be His witnesses and share His Word with others. Just as every believer is called to love others, every believer is also called to be His witness through evangelism.

Will it be hard, yes. Will it be worth it, yes. Instead of thinking that God could not use you in the ministry of evangelism, begin by praying and asking God to give you a boldness and confidence to share Jesus with one person this month. That’s right, I said this month. Too many times we try to set unrealistic goals for ourself. If you have a hard time talking about Jesus to others, don’t beat yourself up. Take this week and write down what you are learning through His Word. Then, next week commit to pray and ask God to put one person in your path to share Him with and then go and do it before the month ends.

Let me close with some encouraging quotes on evangelism that have had a great impact on my life.

Evangelism in its purest form, is an overflow of worship.” Bill Johnson

To evangelize does not mean to win converts… But to simply announce the good news, irrespective of the results.” John Stott

It could be that one of the greatest hindrances to evangelism is the poverty of our own experience.” Billy Graham

May you be blessed as you practice the discipline of evangelism in your life this week. Thank you for joining us today and next week we will conclude our study by looking at the discipline of service. Have a great week.