HELLO FRIDAY! Welcome back to another FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. I pray that your Friday is going well and that you are looking forward to the weekend. Is it me, or does it seem like last Friday was just a couple of days ago? In our defense, coming off Spring Break we jumped right into a super busy week of school and work, so that made the week seem faster on one level. Anyway, I do hope that you will get some R&R this weekend and let me kick it off with this weeks edition of FIVE THINGS FRIDAY.


This time last week, my family and I were enjoying our last full day of Spring Break at Surfside Beach, SC. Although it was a cooler week than what we would’ve wanted, it was still nice to get away and get some rest as we prepare to finish up the school year. We only have four more weeks of school, that is crazy to think about! Last week while at the beach we were able to enjoy a few local spots that I briefly want to highlight in today’s blog.

Atayla Castle, Huntington Beach State Park

The first place we visited was Huntington Beach State Park in Murrell’s Inlet, SC. It was a little smaller than Myrtle Beach State Park but just as pretty. One of the things that we were able to do was tour Atalaya Castle, which was super cool. It was built in 1931 by Archer Huntington and he used it as his winter home to help the health of his wife, who suffered from tuberculosis. The layout of this place is simply amazing, but what I loved most about it was that he only employed local staff to provide work for those in the community that were suffering from the effects of the Great Depression. during WWII, the Huntington’s allowed the Army Air Corps to use the castle to help protect the coastlands from possible dangers.

The second place we visited was Waccatee Zoo and this was definitely an experience that none of us will forget anytime soon. It had the all the feels of walking through someone’s back yard and looking at all their animals/pets. It was cool to see some of the different animals, but I’m not sure that I could recommend this place to someone else to visit.

The third place we visited was Myrtle Beach State Park and it was great! The sun and the warm weather finally agreed to cooperate on the same day. Jana and Gracie loved it because they got to lay on the beach and soak up the sun for a few hours while the rest of us enjoyed some light hearted and comical fishing on the pier. If you ever find yourself around Myrtle Beach, I highly recommend taking a day to just go and enjoy the State Park. They have a couple of small hiking trails, a playground, plenty of picnic tables, camping and of course the beach. It’s a great place for a family getaway!


I will be the first to admit that I am truly saddened by this. I have enjoyed so much going to the games and cheering our girls on every week since the end of February. Some of you who follow me on Facebook have been able to join us on this journey as I have been posting pictures and updates after each game. I have been so proud of the girls but especially my girl! Making the team as a 6th grader was big accomplishment, but then she made the starting rotation and never looked back. I cannot say enough of just how proud I am of her, but not just on the field, she also grew leaps and bounds in the classroom this year too. On Thursday, I was about to leap out of my skin. The game ended tied, so we had to go to penalty kicks and my girl scored the decisive game winning goal! At first, I wasn’t going to watch because I was too nervous. Then I was going to try and video the shot, but couldn’t get my phone out in time. I did get a picture of her scoring the goal, but what over-joyed my heart was seeing her teammates mob her as soon as she scored. I am so thankful for how the 7th and 8th graders took her under their wings and helped her develop as a player and person. I am beyond grateful for those young ladies and I think this team will always hold a special place in my heart. We have two games left and then the season is over, but man, what a ride it has been!

Grandview Eagles Defeated Mill Creek Knights In Penalty Kicks on Thursday.


Yes, you just read that right. While at the grocery store the other day, I saw a “new” flavor of Kit Kat, Blueberry Muffin. I enjoy blueberry muffins, but this was one of those times I probably should have used better judgement and left well enough alone. However, curiosity killed the cat and I am not quite sure what I think about this. It does have the taste of a blueberry muffin, but also the taste of a Kit Kat. I think I enjoyed the experience of trying something new, but not sure I could eat it all the time. I really hope to have Gracie and I do a Monday Mayhem video this summer with all the weird Kit Kat flavors. Be on the look out for some weird videos coming back this summer!


Over the last month I have been trying to take pictures of Gracie’s school soccer team. I decided to start doing this because I wanted to document these moments that seem to be flying by. But what I have realized in doing this is that I actually enjoy trying to take photos. I even took my camera with me to the beach over Spring Break and tried my best to capture some pictures of the sunrise, sunset and various other items. It is definitely not a career move by any means, but it is fun. Maybe one Friday I will post my top 5 photos for FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. I never knew how much of an investment some people put into making a career out of photography and videography. I think to do it as a career, it would stress me out, so kudos to those who do this as a profession! Let me know in the comments if you would be interested in seeing a post of just some of my photos. (I wonder if you can have a website dedicated to your photography hobby?)


I have recently picked up the book, “It Will Cost You Everything: What It Takes To Follow Jesus” by Steven Lawson. This is a relatively short book, but that does not mean that it’s an easy book to read. IT’s a challenging message or a good reminder for some of what it means to truly follow Jesus Christ and what it means to be a Christian. The book is an exposition on Luke 14:27-35. Overall, the book is challenging but well worth the time. The book has 13 chapters but only 127 pages! As slow of a reader as I am, I was able to read the book during my morning quiet time over 3 days. For roughly $12 it is well worth the investment.

Well, thanks for reading FIVE THINGS FRIDAY and I pray that you have a blessed weekend. Until next week my friends…


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:8, NASB

Jesus rises from the grave, spends forty days with His disciples, and then speaks His final words right before He is ascended into heaven. A lot is changing in the lives of the first disciples as they embark on leading the first church.

Fear evaporates, and hope springs up as we encounter the risen Lord. Imagine the anticipation and excitement building among Jesus’ followers as they waited for the Holy Spirit. What an amazing time to be part of the Church! Jesus’ promises and commands are as true for us as they were for the disciples. The mission is not finished. God has called and empowered us to take the Gospel to the world.

Are you ready for God to move in your life? In your family? Do you long to see God at work in your workplace? Are you eager for God to change your community? Are you ready to see God move in the hearts of His people and the church? The time for waiting is over. God is moving!

Through Jesus, the church is to be the hope of the world. As we follow the Holy Spirit’s lead and operate in His power, the Gospel spreads to the ends of the earth. People meet Jesus and their lives begin to change! What an exciting time to be involved in God’s work! Are you excited to see lives changed for the sake of the gospel? The beauty of Acts 1:8, is that the same Holy Spirit that came upon the disciples at Pentecost, is the SAME Holy Spirit that indwells within you if you have professed faith in Jesus Christ today. You are chosen, you are called and you are empowered to go and help change this world for the sake of the gospel.

Are you ready for change around you today? If so, begin by asking God to reassure you of His indwelling Holy Spirit today.

MOTIVATION MONDAY: Becoming Like Christ Week 4

Becoming Like Christ Through Worship

Hello and welcome to Motivation Monday. Over the last several weeks we have been doing a study entitled, “Becoming Like Christ.” In this study, we have been looking at the spiritual disciplines that help up grow and mature into the person of Jesus Christ. This week we will continue in that study as we look at the discipline of worship. Thanks for joining us this week and without further ado, let’s dive in!

Just like with prayer, it is impossible to write about the discipline of worship in one blog post. Just the word worship alone conjures up a variety of thoughts and images. Think about it for a moment. Worship is the central activity of every persons existence. Worship is giving your affections away to someone or something; another way of saying it is that everyone will worship someone or something! You may read this and think there is nothing else I worship but God alone. But do you really? As sinful humans we are always looking for our next “golden calf” to worship. Now, we may not seek out other things to worship, but anything that we place ahead of our worship to God alone, is the worship of the “golden calf.” To worship God means to ascribe the proper worth to God, to magnify His worthiness of praise, to approach and address God as He is worthy. 

Think for just a moment how we treat God when we come to Sunday “worship.” We say that we come to worship Him, but yet too many times we get bored if the music doesn’t move us or stir up our feelings in the way we like. We get distracted while listening to the preacher share from God’s Word instead of worshipping God through His Word and instead of treating God as the guest of honor, we somehow neglect the One we are gathered together to worship. Jesus says in Matthew 4:10 that we are to “Worship the Lord your God.” But sometimes we worship God in vain. Jesus also says in Matthew 15:8-9, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. They worship me in vain…” God still called this worship, but it was in vain. So, how can we worship God without worshiping Him in vain? By practicing the spiritual discipline of worship, we will learn to pursue Christlikeness and worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Philip Nation again in his book, “Habits For Our Holiness” says about worship, “Worship as a spiritual discipline focuses our hearts affections fully on our Lord. It is a declaration from our hearts, lips and actions. It is also a rejection as well: when we worship God, we say to everything else, ‘You are not God.’” 

In Psalms 95 and 96,  David shows us just how intensely personal worship is. David show us that worship is from the heart! Worship should draw our hearts closer to God. Worship is an opportunity for an unbelieving world to look over our shoulders and see the celebration of the gospel. Worship is what our lives ought to be – a dynamic, everlasting celebration of God.

In Revelation, we see what true worship is. In Revelation 4:8, we read of four creatures around the throne who worship God day and night without ceasing saying, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God, the Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come.” Then in Revelation 5, we read about thousands and thousands of angels, elders and living creatures around the throne crying out with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” Then in the very next verse we see that worship follows from every creature saying, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” (Revelation 5:13)

The more we focus on God, the more we will appreciate and understand His infinite worth. To worship God rightly takes a great amount of discipline. Without discipline, our worship to God would be very thin and inconsistent. May our worship reflect David’s heart of worship in Psalms 95 and 96 every single day. Worship is not meant to be a one day a week experience! Worship is an everyday, every minute experience. There is so much more about worship that I would like to say, but I will save it for another day, another blog.

Today, take a moment and read Psalms 95 and 96. Focus on David’s words and may his words become your hearts cry today. A.W. Tozer said, “I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.”

Someday worship will be an integral part of our everyday existence. It will not be an activity that comes from faith, pastors, worship leaders, or duty, but will be a natural response that arises from the first-hand experience with the living God. Thanks for reading and have a blessed week. We’ll see you next week as we take a look the Spiritual Discipline of Evangelism.

WEDNESDAY DEVOTIONAL: Dealing with Disappointment

“And our hope for you is firm, because we know that as you share in the sufferings, so you will also share in the comfort.” 2 Corinthians 1:7, CSB

We’ve all been there. They day you find out you’ve been passed over for a promotion. Not landing the job you really wanted and knew you were qualified for. Not being accepted to the college you’ve been dreaming your whole life of attending. Losing a championship game and having to watch the other team celebrate in front of you. It’s watching all the time and effort you put into something crumble away in a matter of seconds. Sometimes disappointment can be more devastating than tragedy, because it requires you to have invested in the outcome first.

The Bible tells us that we should rejoice in our sufferings, but I’d be lying if I said that what I did every time I was disappointed. Most of the time I just want to go off and be alone, or I end up angry and resentful. Sometimes I even find myself complaining to God over what just happened. So, what are Christians supposed to respond when faced with disappointment? Personally, I think there’s only one thing we can do: hope.

The early disciples faced their own share of letdowns. Paul, in particular, had his share of troubles in life, but look what he writes in Romans chapter 5,

Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. – Romans 5:2-6

Sometimes disappointment can’t be overcome, only endured. In moments like that, it’s important to remember that we have hope on our side. Hope in Christ’s love, hope for better days to come, the hope to maybe even try again. So when the storms of life come your way don’t let yourself be troubled, instead pick yourself up and remember with God there will always be hope.

 Whatever you may be going through remember to hope in the Lord today.

MOTIVATION MONDAY: Becoming Like Christ Week 3

In Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn, Huck speaks for a lot of people when he talks about his frustrations with prayer: “Then Miss Watson she took me in the closet and prayed, but nothing come of it. She told me to pray every day, and whatever I asked for I would get it. But it warn’t so. I tried it. Once I got a fish-line, but no hooks. It warn’t any good to me without hooks. I tried for the hooks three or four times, but somehow I couldn’t make it work. By and by, one day, I asked Miss Watson to try for me, but she said I was a fool. She never told me why, and I couldn’t make it out no way. I set down one time back in the woods, and had a long think about it.
I says to myself, if a body can get anything they pray for, why don’t
Deacon Winn get back the money he lost on pork? Why can’t the widow get back her silver snuffbox that was stole? Why can’t Miss Watson fat up? No, says I to myself, there ain’t nothing in it. I went and told the widow about it, and she said the thing a body could get by praying for it was “spiritual gifts.” This was too many for me, but she told me what she meant–I must help other people, and do everything I could for other people, and look out for them all the time, and never think about myself. This was including Miss Watson, as I took it. I went out in the woods and turned it over in my mind a long time, but I couldn’t see no advantage about it–except for the other people; so at last I reckoned I wouldn’t worry about it anymore, but just let it go.

Many people think of prayer just like Huck. Prayer is a way to get things. It is a way to have the things you want and need. Or, we approach God and prayer kind of like a microwave. We go to God “in prayer” expecting Him to answer immediately because of our tendency of being impatient and expecting immediate results and satisfaction. 

But is this really what prayer is all about? 

What is prayer? 

And how do we develop a consistent and meaningful prayer life? 

Prayer is how we talk to God. Prayer changes us. Prayer changes lives. It is a way to feel God’s heartbeat. Knowing who God really is makes us want to conform to Jesus Christ and his way of life. God slowly and graciously reveals himself to us while we pray, and it is during those moments that we can breathe in deeply his love.

To ask for the “right” things involves a changed heart, new passions. We think no longer of our own thoughts, but those of God’s; we desire the things God desires, we start to love and care for the things God is concerned about; we realize that God’s will for me is far better than my own will. Our thoughts change, our hearts change, and we learn to see life from His point of view.

Richard Foster in his book “The Spiritual Disciplines” says, “One of the most critical aspects in learning to pray for others is to get in contact with God so his life and power can flow through us into others.

The wonderful thing about prayer is that God meets us where we are. He comes alongside us to lead us into a deeper, more real relationship with him, not motivated by guilt, but driven by his love. 

On several occasions in the Bible, Jesus modeled prayer and taught His followers (the disciples) the importance of prayer and how to pray. After all, think back to your first memories of prayer and how it was modeled for you. For most of us, maybe it was learning to pray over your meals. Maybe your parents prayed with you before bedtime or maybe you remember hearing your Sunday school teacher or pastor pray out loud. 


Take just a few moments and read over what God’s Word says to us about prayer.

  • 2 Thessalonians 1:3-12
  • Colossians 1:9-14
  • Philippians 1:9-11
  • Epheshians 6:18
  • Colossians 4:2
  • Hebrews 4:16
  • Matthew 6:5-13
  • Matthew 14:22-23
  • Luke 5:16
  • Luke 6:12
  • 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
  • James 4:3

Let me quickly give you a few tips that will strengthen your prayer life. 

Begin by “Seizing the Day.” In the movie, Dead Poets Society, they made the Latin phrase Carpe Diem (“seize the day”) famous. From a Christians perspective, we can use this by starting our day with God by using the following guide. These are not set in stone guides, but just some basic ways to help you begin strengthening your prayer life. 

  1. Have a set time of prayer
  2. Have a set place of prayer
  3. Have a grateful heart 
  4. Be honest when talking to God
  5. Pray earnestly and without ceasing. 
  6. Be persistent

Prayer is meaningful and powerful. Charles Spurgeon said, “Prayer and praise are the oars by which a man may row his boat into the deep waters of the knowledge of Christ.” 

Over the years, I have come to learn two things about prayer. It’s easy and hard at the same time. I know that may sound a bit strange, but it’s true. Prayer isn’t something we just do at certain times. It is meant to permeate our lives, so that we pray repeatedly and often, so much so that we can say it’s how we manage our lives. One simple way I remind myself to pray often is through my Apple Watch. Throughout the day it sends me a reminder to take a minute and breath (I guess it wants to make sure I am still alive!) Many times I try to use these reminders as opportunities for me to pray on several occasions throughout my day. Whatever works best for you, remember to focus on God more than you focus on the discipline of prayer.

Have a great week and I will see you back here next week for week four of our series Becoming Like Christ.


Hello and welcome back to another FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. I apologize for missing last Friday, but I was slowly recovering from running my 10 Miler race. Actually, I think in some ways I am still recovering! 🙂 Anyway, we are back with a brand new FIVE THINGS FRIDAY, so here we go.


This Saturday, we are signed up to run in yet another 5K. We are running the South Mountain Baptist Camp 5K. It’s kind of funny that in the 16 years that Jana and I have been married, we have ran ONE 5K race until this year. I will not say that we are turning into professional runners (we are long ways away from that actually), but I think we enjoy the walk/run of 5K’s to keep us active and give our minds a break from the craziness and stress of day to day life. I love listening to podcasts and music while Jana enjoys listening to her audio books while we walk/run. Every now and then it’s nice to walk together without our AirPods and just enjoy the each others company! This race our daughter is more than likely going to smoke us, but that’s ok. We are not medal “hunters” by any means. It’s funny that after doing a 10 Miler, I don’t feel as motivated or ready for this weekends 5K. I think that it may have something to do with the fact that doing last weeks race was one of the hardest things I have ever done physically and emotionally. Not sure if I will try to run and beat my other 5K time tomorrow or just enjoy the race and walk/run withy wife, but either way I am looking forward to waking up on Saturday morning and going to race. There is something about race day’s that get you a little more excited/pumped! I will let you know how we did on next weeks FIVE THINGS FRIDAY. Do you think Gracie will beat her last 5K time in Saturday’s race? (I do!)


Tonight is the season opener for my Boston Red Sox and we open the season against the dreaded New York Yankees. These games are always great and for fans of either team, you live and breath on every pitch regardless of whether it’s game 1 or game 18 between the two. It is one of the greatest rivalries in all of sports. To be honest, this rivalry is better than the UNC/Duke rivalry because it outdates UNC/Duke by a lot. The first game between the Red Sox and Yankees was played on April 26, 1901, that is over 120 years ago! UNC/Duke first played each other in 1920, but it wasn’t a rivalry until Coach K took over as the head coach at Duke. The Red Sox were the more dominant team in those first years until 1919 when New York got a player named Babe Ruth. From then on the Yankees would go on to become one of the best teams ever winning 27 World Series titles and multiple Hall of Fame inductees. This rivalry has created some of the best moments in MLB history and will continue to do so I believe. I cannot say anything to take away from their success, but don’t expect me to start pulling for the New York State Penitentiary team anytime soon… they are still the worst team ever! Regardless of who wins Opening Day, I am excited to have baseball and my Red Sox back!

3. Grandview Ladies Soccer

Middle school soccer is in full bloom and our lady Eagles are tied for 1st place. This has been one heck of a season so far and we still have a lot of games left to play. It has been fun to watch them play and see their enthusiasm for the game. I am highly impressed with Gracie and how she is maturing everyday! She is a sixth grader and she has already established herself as a defensive presence on the team. In our game yesterday, we up 6-0 and our coach decided to let everyone play. That meant that Gracie got to play up on offense and she ended up scoring two goals! It was so much fun and I am so proud of her. I love having the chance to just watch her play without having to worry about trying to coach and manage the game. I also enjoy our conversations about the game afterwards and hearing her talk about all the things that she did right or could have done better. She has quickly become a student of the game.

Grandview Middle School vs River Bend Middle School


This week is National Library Week and I have to give a shout out to my all-time favorite librarian, my wife! Not only is National Library Week, but she has been busy working her schools Book Fair too. She has been a buy-bee needless to say this week. It has been a joy to hear all of her stories each day and I am so proud of the way she inspires the kids at her school to read and invest in books early on in life. So many students love going to the library, hearing her read to them and hearing the joke of the day (sometimes they are a little cheesy, but that’s why I love her!) Seeing her make the transition from the classroom to the library has been a joy. Sure, she is still worn-out at the end of the day, but it’s her passion that she has everyday for the library and the kids. So, be sure to give her a shout out for being a terrific librarian because she deserves it! She is by far my favorite librarian ever. Jana, I am so proud of you and I hope that this week has been a blessing and joy for you. Keep up the work and keeper reading, babe.



It’s Friday which means it’s time for the weekend! What are your plans for this weekend? I pray that whatever your plans are, have a great one and enjoy the weather. We’ll be running a 5K, playing a soccer game, watching some baseball and enjoying some downtime from our busy schedule.

Thanks for joining me for FIVE THINGS FRIDAY and I look forward to seeing you next week. Have a great weekend and happy Friday.


Commit your activities to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3, CSB

“Commitment” is word that has little to no value now days, but especially within sports. Now that the college basketball National Championship is over, coaches are trying to figure out which players will stay committed to their school or enter the transfer portal and leave. There are too many college athletes playing “one and done.” Then, if they are unhappy, they can simply just uncommit to the coach and school that they originally committed to and go where they think they will get more playing time or be happier. But this goes further than college sports too. On Tuesday, news was released that MLB player and committed Christian Albert Pujols and his wife are divorcing after 22 years. I know divorce happens, but this one came as a complete shock to me! I am still baffled trying to wrap my mind around it.

But then I think about my own commitments and how well I follow through with them and honestly, I fail pretty bad at this at times. Especially in my relationship with Jesus Christ. See, when it comes to our commitments, Jesus wants us to be committed to Him 100 percent. He desires for us to be committed to Him each and every day.

Proverbs reminds us that when we commit our work to the Lord, our “plans” will be fulfilled. Committing everything to God is a moment-by-moment adventure. It is not just a “one and done” situation. Everything we do, everything we are, everything about us needs to be completely committed to Jesus Christ. After all, Christ gave up all He had for us! His commitment to us sent Him to the cross where three days later, he rose from the grave to offer us new life.

Jesus gave us Himself, His Word, and His body (the Church) so that we could both recognize His commitment to us and respond by offering our lives to Him. Too many times we try to control things on our own, but when we let go and let God, we see how much God has done for us and we cannot help but want to be committed to serving Him. When we do, the joy of Jesus becomes contagious and others will want to be a part of God’s work and plans.

What is holding you back today from being 100 percent committed to Jesus?

What encourages you to press on in your life with Christ?

For an extra workout, read Psalms 37:4-6.

Thanks for reading today and have a blessed Wednesday.

MOTIVATION MONDAY: Becoming Like Christ Week 2

Welcome to Motivation Monday! We are in week 2 of our bible study in “Becoming Like Christ.” This week we take a look at the Spiritual Discipline of Bible Study and how it is crucial for our spiritual growth. So, whether you are an expert in studying God’s Word or you’re just trying to get by every now and then, I pray that today’s study will be a help to you and a reminder of just how important God’s Word is to our daily lives. Let’s dive in…

There is a game that schools play in North Korea. The game is explained to the children at school every year. They are told that there is a secret book that their parents have hidden around their house. If you find the secret book, you win the prize. However, what the kids do not realize is that the secret book they are searching for is the Bible and the prize is imprisonment. If they find the secret book and take it to school, they and their family are taken away, put into torture camps and executed. People risk their lives every day as they smuggle Bibles into countries that have outlawed God’s Word and if caught, they will likely never see their families again.

Why would people risk their lives to read the Bible? Why would they risk everything to smuggle Bibles into countries that outlaw God’s Word? Because, these people know, on a personal level, the life transforming power of God’s Word. They know the hope and the power Scripture holds. It is worth dying for because it has the ability to change a culture, community and nation.

Hebrews 4:12 tells us, “The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrows and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

God ‘s Word is powerful and has the ability to change your life! That is why people throughout history have risked their lives to make the Bible accessible to people all over the globe. In fact, there has been much blood spilled in order for us to have God’s Word today. The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by 40 authors on three continents in three languages. Most of the New Testament was written by eye witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection in front of other eyewitnesses. The Bible has stood the test of time, it has weathered every trial, accusation, scrutiny, and yet it still stands as the most important book of all-time. The words of it pages were breathed out by God (2 Timothy 3:16-17) for us to read and hear from God. God literally spoke through those writing it down so that we can have the message that God wants us to hear. So, if we truly believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that it is the source of our faith, why do put so little effort into studying it and knowing it?

Well, if you are anything like me, you hear the word “study” and automatically think that just because I am bad at it, I didn’t enjoy it in school or I am easily distracted, it’s going to be a bore. Yes, I will admit, that in my younger days, that may have been my thoughts. But now, I enjoy not only studying God’s Word, but reading it is a delight and joy. Sure, there are things that I still read that I don’t always understand, but that’s what makes it fun! We have so many tools to help us research and understand God’s Word better today, that we are foolish if we don’t use those tools to our advantage.

Sadly, we live in a time where we would rather be told information (whether it’s useful or not) rather than study and research it on our own. And this is why many Christians, including myself suffer from spiritual immaturity their whole lives. We know Jesus, but we never really study to know God’s Word and to help us grow in our faith.


I will be the first to admit that it takes great effort and hard work to study God’s Word. I don’t say that to discourage you, but rather to encourage you. Anything that requires great effort and hard work is worth it! I enjoy working out, exercising, running and walking but trying to find the time and motivation can be hard at times. Then, when I do find the time, I do not always enjoy the experience. However, when I find the time and I push through those moments of lack of motivation, I usually find that I feel better and I’m happier. Why? It’s because I didn’t think about the workout/run/walk, I just allowed myself to enjoy the journey and appreciate the scenery (if I’m on a run/walk). The same is true when it comes to studying God’s Word. Too many times lack the motivation to open our bibles and hear from God because we’re tired, worn out, stressed out, etc. Then, when we do find the time, we tend to use our time of reading the Bible as a checklist. Nothing wrong with checklists, but God’s Word is so much more than a little box that we check off as a daily task.

Donald Whitney in his book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life says, “No spiritual discipline is more important than the intake of God’s Word. Nothing can substitute for it. There simply is no healthy Christian life apart from a diet of the milk and meat of Scripture.

George Muller said, “The vigour of spiritual life will be in exact proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life and thoughts.

I am not here to guilt trip anyone about their lack of bible reading in their daily life. I certainly have my flaws when it comes to giving proper attention and study to God’s Word. I am here to encourage you! So, let me just share a few tips on building the habit of reading God’s Word.

1. Start Small.

Too many times we try to set unrealistic goals when it comes to reading God’s Word. We treat our bible reading like New Year’s resolutions. We set the bar so high that we give up in our pursuit of trying to accomplish our goal. Set a goal that is realistic. You don’t have to read the entire bible in one day. Rome wasn’t built in one day either and it became a prosperous place! It is better to read for five minutes a day consistently rather than fifteen minutes a day sporadically. Pick a routine or habit that you know you will be able to practice consistently at least 80 percent of the time.

2. Pick a Format.

Pick a translation that you can read and understand. Personally, I recommend using a physical Bible rather than an electronic Bible. (But, use what is most comfortable to you.) Also, I do not recommend using a study bible at first. Rather, use a bible that doesn’t have study notes included in it. My reason for that is too many times we will look at the study notes before we pause and reflect on the meaning of the verse(s) and we will miss key moments/opportunities to allow God to speak to us. An audio bible is a good source too. It is extremely helpful to listen to on your drive to work or as you exercise. Also, you can increase the speed of the audio bible and listen to it at a quicker pace than what you may read. (I process information faster by listening because I am a slow reader.)

3. Find a Workout Partner.

Just like if you were going to workout, exercise or go on a run/walk, it is always good to have a partner. Having a partner while you’re working out pushes you. They are your voice of encouragement. They help you become the better version of yourself. So, it makes sense to have a workout partner or accountability partner to help you with your Bible study. You will push each other to become the image of Christ, you will grow together and gain a greater appreciation of God’s Word in your life. This isn’t something that has to be done on a literal sense, but it’s someone that you can connect with after your Bible study. You’re wanting to share with them what God has taught you through His Word and vice versa.

However you study God’s Word, my prayer is that you will choose to daily make it a priority. We have too many people who attend church and do not actually believe that the Bible is the Word of God that can change lives. After all, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”

Charles Spurgeon said, “Bible study is the metal that forges a Christian.”

Thanks for reading and I am praying for you as you strive to develop a healthy habit of reading God’s Word each and every day. Have a good week.