MOTIVATION MONDAY: Becoming Like Christ

Happy Monday, folks! I pray that you are all doing well this Monday and that you had an a blessed weekend. It was a little busy around our household as we celebrated Gracie’s birthday. But this is a new week and I want to share with over the coming weeks a brief study on the Spiritual Gifts.

For today’s MOTIVATION MONDAY, I had this thought as I was working on my sermon from a couple of weeks ago. I preached on the parable of the lamp in Luke 8. In this parable Jesus compares the lamp to the Word of God and that those who have heard will be light to others around them. As I thought about what that would look like in a daily life, I thought about how the purpose of the spiritual disciplines help us to achieve our goal of being made in the image of Jesus Christ. So, over the next 7 weeks, we will explore several of the spiritual disciplines and how they will help put us on the path towards spiritual growth/maturity.

My goal during this study is to help give you a biblical theology of spiritual maturity, Biblical teaching on spiritual disciplines and practical ways on how you can practice and implement them in your own life. I realize that there are a myriad of good books and teaching out there on the spiritual disciplines, so why add to it? Well, I’m just wanting to add my thoughts and personal experiences on how the spiritual disciplines have helped me grow and mature as a Christian. At the end this study, I will include a separate post on books and articles that were helpful in shaping my understanding of the spiritual disciplines.


WEEK 1: Becoming More Like Christ Through Spiritual Disciplines

WEEK 2: Becoming More Like Christ Through Bible Reading

WEEK 3: Becoming More Like Christ Through Prayer and Fasting

WEEK 4: Becoming More Like Christ Through Worship.

WEEK 5: Becoming More Like Christ Through Evangelism

WEEK 6: Becoming More Like Christ Through Stewardship

WEEK 7: Becoming More Like Christ Through Service

Thanks for joining me today and I look forward to the next 7 weeks and how God will use this study to strengthen your relationship with Him as you strive to become more like Christ each and every day. Have a great week and we’ll see you next Monday!

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