School, Here I Come…


Well, I honestly thought I would never say those words again except from my own child say them at the start of every school year. But as of this month (October), I find myself heading  back to school!

Even though it has been sixteen years, I always thought about the idea of going back to school, but they were only thoughts (more like very faint voices inside my head). After all, I was not the most studios person when it came to academics. School for me was more of a social club, and academics only seemed to get in the way! However, I am excited about this opportunity to go back to school for a couple of reasons.

  1. I have a greater appreciation for education. I will be the first one to admit that school was boring. I didn’t like the assignments, the homework, the tests and the papers. I did like the social aspect and getting to meet new people and travel to new places. I also didn’t plan on marrying someone who is so intelligent and academic! See, I am married to a school teacher turned librarian (Media Facilitator). I jokingly say that I am married to a nerd, but the truth is, this “nerd” has made me smarter while given me a greater appreciation for education and books. For that, I am thankful to God and his wonderful plan for my life and the people He has placed in it. So, as school starts and as hard as it will be, I am looking forward to furthering my education and training.
  2. I do believe you can “teach an old dog new tricks”. I’m forty years old and I will be going back to school to get a degree in children’s ministry! Typically, pastors go back to school to get their Master’s in Pastoral Leadership, Biblical Counseling or something other than Children’s Ministry. I guess that’s why I like being abnormal sometimes!

So, I am excited about this new adventure in life. It will definitely make things interesting around our house with three people in school at the same time (my wife will be going back to school to get her Master’s in Library Science and our daughter who is in elementary school). But the truth is, this is only something that God could have done because at the end of the day, going back to school would not have been on my “bucket list”.

Well, until next time everyone.