Weary and Tired…

matt1128Have you ever had just “one of those days?” You know what I’m talking about, one of those days where absolutely nothing goes right. In fact, you may feel like that during a given week, I know that I have. In fact, that’s the type of week I am experiencing already! I have to vent here for a moment and let you know that I am ready to just throw my hands up in the air and just drop everything!

But as I was listening to the radio this afternoon I heard this song by Esterlyn called “Now That You’re Found” and the words reminded me of Matthew 11:28. It says, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

I needed that reminder today! Maybe you’re different, but every now and then I get discouraged and stress out about things in life that I have no control over and I find myself trying to “fix the situation” when I all I have to do come into God’s presence and trust in His perfect will. It’s not always easy nor am I always willing but it’s in the presence and arms of Jesus that I find my worries, stresses, frustrations and concerns of this passing world go away. Jesus reminds me everyday of how much He loves me and I forget that occasionally. That is why I find comfort in Matthew 11:28 because I am the “weary” and “burdened” that He invites to come to Him and seek refuge.

Are you weary and burdened right now? Has stress and worry so consumed you that you have forgotten which way is up and which is down? Well, let me encourage you today to take a step back, breathe in and out and come and place yourself at Christ’s feet. He invites you to come to Him today to find rest and also life.

I have included the song “Now That You’re Found” and the lyrics below and I pray that it brings you as much encouragement as it has for me.


Now That You’re Found

If you’re lost in a heartache on your own, oh
And if you’re caught in a mistake and all alone, oh
If your soul is searching out
And your whole world’s turned around, oh

If your faith is burning out
And love leaves you in doubt
And you know there’s something more

Come to me now, lay your burdens down
Come rest in my arms
Feel my love abound

Come to me now, lay your burdens down
Come rest in my arms
You were lost, now you’re found

When you’re feeling forgotten on your own
When your soul is searching out
And your whole world’s turned around

If your faith is burning out
And love leaves you in doubt
And you know there’s something more

Come to me now, lay your burdens down
Come rest in my arms
Feel my love abound

Come to me now, lay your burdens down
Come rest in my arms
You were lost, now you’re found

Come as you are, just as you are
I’ll give you peace

Come to me now, lay your burdens down
Come rest in my arms
Feel my love abound

Come to me now, lay your burdens down
Come rest in my arms
You were lost but now you’re found

Oh, now you’re found
Oh, now you’re found
Oh, now you’re found, oh