My Current Book List

20130411-103631.jpgOccasionally, I try to post an article about the recent books I’m currently reading or have read. Now all the books I will share I have not read yet, but I am looking forward to reading them in the near future. So, here we go…

1. Follow Me by Pastor David Platt. This book is a great reminder/challenge of what it means to truly be a follower and disciple of Jesus Christ. David Platt looks at the steep price that Peter, James, John and Andrew paid when they chose to follow Christ. Peter was crucified upside down, Andrew was crucified in Greece, James was beheaded and John was exiled, yet they believed it was worth the cost.  This book has also been developed in a Bible study and we are using this in our student ministry on Sunday nights. It has been a very rewarding and encouraging study for our students and leaders!

2. SENT by Hilary Alan. I loved this book because it went right along with the message of “Follow Me.” It is also a very easy read without all the big church words that some authors like to use and go over our heads. This book is the story of a family from North Carolina and how they decided to leave the comforts of their everyday life and have given their lives to advance the work of Christ internationally. It’s message is simple but also convicting and one will not be able to read through this book without thinking about their own walk with Christ.

3. To Stir A Movement by Jeremy Affeldt. This is a book I’ve been excited about reading for sometime and it was finally released in April. It’s the story of Major League Baseball pitcher Jeremy Affeldt and his desire to help stop injustices around the globe. Jeremy shares how baseball has given him the stage to be more involved with organizations like “Not For Sale” and help out first hand in rescuing children and people from slavery. He shares his passion for the game of baseball and for the work of God! Jeremy Affeldt is a two-time World Series winner with the San Francisco Giants.

4. The Just Church by Jim Martin. Jim is the vice president for International Justice Mission, where he works to connect/share with churches and organizations about their relief effort to stop injustice around the globe. This book will share and challenge individuals, churches and organizations tangible ways to become more involved in God’s call to seek justice, help the widow’s, orphans and the oppressed.

5. Who Do You Think You Are? by Pastor Mark Driscoll. I have loved reading this book so far. Driscoll is great at writing and I could read him all day long! In fact, I’ve never read a bad book that he’s written yet! This book is all about finding your true identity in Christ by exploring the book of Ephesians. So many people struggle with their identity and who they are and Driscoll shares that our identity is grounded in Christ alone! This book also has a study guide to go with it that you can download for free at Mars Hill Church.

I also have other books that I am trying to get to, it’s just taking me a little time! But so far, I have enjoyed reading the books I shared above and would recommend them to anyone else too. I am not one that reads a whole lot, it takes me “time” to read through one book! That is where my wife has rubbed off on me, she can wake up on a Saturday morning and have read 2-4 books by that night! It’s crazy, but I admirer that in her! Well, until next time, keep reading, keep learning and we’ll talk with you then!


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