Great Reminders From a Two-Year Old

This morning while I was attempting to get  my daughter dressed, she was so excited because she thought she was going to church. I told her that we went to church last night and she insisted to tell me that we get to go to church today too. I said why are we going to church today and she told me “to take shoeboxes to chicky-fil-a and see my friends.” She then proceeded to tell me that she likes to go to church and play with her friends and she started to roll of this long list of names. After she went through her “roll-call” she then told me that we need to pray for her friends. It was a true blessing for me to hear her pray for her friends!

But the wonderful thing about that experience this morning got me thinking that shouldn’t church be like that for everybody? As a Christ-follower, shouldn’t we be excited to attend church services so that we can worship, pray, fellowship and celebrate with our brothers and sisters in Christ? If we look at the early church they were eager to come together to pray, serve and fellowship with one another. Too many times it seems Christians attend church out of complacency or because it’s “what I’ve always done.” I pray that we never become Christ-followers who attend church services out of complacency or because it’s something you have always done. My hope and prayer would be that all Christ-followers will have a desire to attend church to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ first and foremost! Also, so that they will help encourage and build up other Christ-followers and join with them in prayer and celebration.

Afterall, want we all be standing together in unity shouting day and night, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” Funny how a two-year can be such a helpful reminder of what the church is really supposed to be about!

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