Who Do You Say That I Am?

I am truly excited that Sunday is Resurrection Day, the day when Jesus Christ rose from the grave, defeated death, conquered sin and saved me from death! Jesus Christ did something that Hitler, Ghandi, Alexander the Great, Abraham, Moses or anyone has ever done by rising from the dead! I cannot even begin to imagine what that day must have been like not only for Jesus, but the disciples, his mother, his friends and even the Jews.

That is something that I have thought about all day, in the after math of Jesus’ crucifixion I wonder what the scene must have been like for everyone their? I thought about how the disciples must have felt when they saw Jesus hanging on that cross and then placed in the grave. I sometimes wonder what were the emotions running through them like, what was the discussion like between them and their friends that day? I also wonders what the day itself was like. The curtain had been torn in two, so did the religious leaders truly realize at that moment that He was God’s Son? How did Mary feel having to bury her oldest son?

I know that a lot of my questions are not very deep theological questions nor can they be answered in the bible, but it is worth thinking about a little, right? I guess I find it interesting because the disciples spent three years with Jesus, everyday for three years they heard Him teach, they saw Him heal the sick and afflicted and they saw Him do many other things and wonders that are not mentioned in scripture. But when you read the Gospels, we find the disciples hiding in fear of the Jews when Jesus appears to them after His resurrection!

Now, we all know that they eventually turned this world upside down with the message of Jesus Christ and the cross, but what happened in those few still hours when Christ was no more than a memory to them? I guess it’s really not that important but I do wonder what that day or day after was like when Jesus had been crucified and buried. The most important thing we know is what Luke says in Luke 24:6 “He is not here, but has risen.” That is the most important thing I hope you understand as you read this, that it doesn’t matter what happened after Jesus’s death it just matters what I believe about Jesus Christ!

That is the most important question you will ever be asked is, “who do you say that I am.” Jesus is so much more than ” fire insurance” or “get out of hell free card!” He is much more than occupying a pew for 40 years or serving on any committee! Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and I am so thankful that He called me to be a child of His along time ago! What about you, who do you say that Jesus Christ is? I cannot think of any better time than now to make Him your Salvation, Freedom, Father and Lord and Savior! Oh and Happy Easter!

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