Doing Something Different on Leap Year!


I wanted to take a moment and share an idea that came across my email this morning. This is not an original idea, but I still thought it was worth passing on, enjoy!

Since today will not come around for another 4 years, why not do something a little different? Below is a list of challenges that when tallied together, will equal 29, today”s date. Go ahead, give it a chance and enjoy this one “free” day!

Do 3 Random Acts of Kindness Today: Buy a stranger a cup of coffee, offer to empty the trash in a coworkers office, point out that your bosses toupee looks exceptionally realistic!

Call 5 Folks who Haven’t Heard From You In A While: Call a parent, a old roommate, friend from college, or a friend whose birthday popped up on your Facebook page!

Pray for 10 People By Name: Take a moment and mention 10 people specifically in your QT today!

Make A List of 7 Things You Love About Your Spouse: Don’t read them to him or her, but instead place it in your bible and refer to the list the next time you are tempted to nit-pick about something dumb!

Meditate On Your 4 Favorite Bible Verses: These are your favorite verses for a reason! Spend sometime reminding yourself why!

Have A Happy Februrary 29th!

Rejoicing in our Trials

Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers

The world of professional sports is a tough world. I know sometimes we think that athletes have it made, becaue all they do is play sports, but we will never understand the temptations and pressures that come with being a professional athlete. I know that we are all tempted in various ways and I’m not goign to say that my temptations are any less significant than those of a professional athlete.

I say all that to address a player that has come under fire lately because of his temptations and his ability to “control” them. Josh Hamilton of the Texas Ranger’s confessed to the public that he stumbled one night by going to a Dallas bar and having a few drinks. The interesting thing about that is that Josh Hamilton is a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ. For those of you who may not know, Josh Hamitlon is a recovering drug and alcohol addict. He was signed as the #1 overall player in 1999 by the then Tampa Bay DevilRays and was a given a large contract. His life became a whirlwind over the next 6 years. Because of his actions and addictions he was banned form baseball. Finally on June 2, 2006 he was cleared to play by Maor League Baseball. He played the 2007 season with the Cincinatti Reds until he was traded to Texas in December 2007. Since joining the Rangers he has won the AL MVP and has appeared in the World Series in 2010 and 2011. As a fan of professional baseball, I have come to love Josh Hamilton’s story. But more importantly, as a Christian I have come to love him as a brother in Christ. I have never met Josh Hamilton (I would love the opportunity one day), but because I place my faith in Christ Jesus, he is my brother through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

So many times we tend to take athletes and place them on a stool and think they can do no wrong, but yet, when they do slip up we tend to throw judgement and ridicule at them. Especially when an athlete professes saving faith in Christ Jesus, the media seems to have a field day with them! That’s why I learned a long time ago that athletes are not heroes, they are sinful human beings just like me! And even though Josh Hamilton, Tim Teabow, Brian Roberts, Troy Polamalu and Colt McCoy are professional athletes, they like me still struggle with temptation every day! They are no different than anyone of us! Instead of throwing ridicule when we see a brother or sister fail, we should be diligent to pray for them even more! The Apostle Paul was constantly in prayer for his fellow believers, always encouraging them to continue steadfastly in prayer. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” James 5:16.

Remeber that when we see another brother or sister in Chrsit fail, we should lift them up in prayer instead of jumping on the band wagon and judging their actions and sin! We are no different because everyday we are in need of Christ’s forgiveness of our own sins. When the media attacks those who follow Christ, take a moment and pray for God’s protection and guidance upon that person. The Apsotle Paul says it this way in Romans 12, “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with a brotherly affection…Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”

I am excited to see God continue working in and through Josh Hamilton’s life, especially as a new season is getting ready to get under way in just a few short weeks! I will also continue to pray for Josh, his wife Katie and their three daughters as they walk along side one another, fighting the good fight and proclaiming the name of Jesus! Even though I am a Red Sox fan, Josh Hamilton is still my guy to root for and pull for!