Joel Osteen has done (or said) it again!

This morning I received an email from Leadership Weekly Magazine, I get several of them per week but for some reason this aritcle actually struck a nerve in my mind and heart. Al Mohler is reacting to an interview that Joel Osteen gave on CNN with Peirs Morgan about same sex marriage. Now we all know that Osteen is already “out their” in terms of theologically and biblically, but this takes it a step farther for me. Osteen says that homosexuality is a sin, that the Bible teaches that it is a sin and he would never marry a homosexual couple but he would attend a same-sex marriage if the “couple” getting married were close friends! As a minister of the Gospel, is it not wrong to attend a same-sex marriage regardless of how close you are to the persons getting married? As Christians we have come to complacent in our society and culture! We have totally “watered down” God’s word, which is my way of saying we flat out ignore God’s word and go on with business as usual. My heart breaks for Joel Osteen because he is careless and destructive with God’s word! But my heart breaks even more for the people in his congergation that come and listen to him week in and week out, the people that buy his books because they are looking for an easy fix or self help book to boost their saddened, broken down heart!

Take a moment and read the following article and let me know if Joel Osteen is in the right or wrong?

Would You Attend a Same-Sex Marriage Ceremony? Out of Ur Conversations for Ministry Leaders