Sorry Mark, but you’re wrong on this one!

Recently, Pastor Mark Driscoll wrote a note entitled “Is Your Youth Group Accomplishing Anything?”For once, I have to disagree with Pastor Mark for a number of reasons.
First, I’m sick and tired of hearing the statistics about how 60-80% of teens leave church when they turn eighteen. I mean seriously, did they go around and pole every single church in America? No, they have this “theory” and it does not apply to every church.
Secondly, is it the “youth group” or youth pastors fault if they do decide to leave? What ever happened to teenagers being a part of the church? And in some ways who could blame them for leaving when their own church doesn’t show care, compassion or love towards them? Even if that number is true, bogus, but true; what percentage of those who leave are influenced positively or negatively by their parents who are either halfway involved with church or not involved at all!
Thirdly, I still cling to the “youth ministry model” that was created decades ago. I am a firm believer in Student Ministries and will argue that they still have their place in the church. I do not believe they should be a separate identity of the church, but a part of the church. And just like the church, there is no perfect playbook for getting it all to work!
The only perfect model is to follow the leading of The Holy Spirit and walking daily with Him, wrestling through the Scriptures and seeking after God on my knees!

3 thoughts on “Sorry Mark, but you’re wrong on this one!

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